Don't worry this post isn't about you, it isn't completely about me either. It's about the solution I use when we are elbow-deep at a tough doctor's appointment or in the middle of a blind rage meltdown. I always...
My son is a very happy three-year-old who loves to play with every kid he meets. He is so friendly and outgoing. If I am being honest, he rarely finds himself in situations where other children are being aggressive towards...

Diary of a Cookie Mom

Dear Diary, Cookie sales have come to a close and all I can say is... FINALLY! When I signed up for this role, I thought of how fun it would be to essentially be a "cookie fairy." Passing out cookies...
I am a working mom, and my job sometimes requires travel. I’ve traveled one week per month for the last three months. To someone with a travel-heavy job, this might not seem like much. To my friend who has...
How many questions do you think you answer each day? I'm not talking "What would you like to drink today?" from the chipper barista at Starbucks- I'm talking "Do you know where my favorite dinosaur shirt is?" "Why is...
This is a question that paralyzes me. I am asked this question in a variety of situations: when meeting new people, when my husband walks in the door from work, when filling out a form at the doctor's office....
Play-doh. Mud piles. Paint. Glue, construction paper and scissors.   How many of you just shuddered or immediately thought "NO WAY, NOT IN MY HOUSE"? It's messy, I'll give you that. There's always stuff to clean up. Clothes can get stained. You'll...
Social media is wonderful. Instagram is my jam. I follow fashion influencers, women with mermaid-like tresses, lifestyle bloggers (helloooo chunky knit throws and exposed brick accent walls), musicians, makeup artists (Seriously, show me again how to apply that highlighter...

Be the Good

My Dear Sweet Baby, I am so sorry. My heart is heavy, and my mind is just racing. I feel such weighted guilt. Your father and I tried for years, prayed for days on end to have a chance to...
My husband and I were happily surprised to find out we were expecting twins in the spring of 2012. The pregnancy resulted in several scares and complications, but the end resulted in the birth of our two amazing girls....
If your kids are anything like mine, they are probably borderline obsessed with the latest YouTube sensation, Baby Shark.  Now, if your reaction to my opening line is "No way, my kids don't get screen time," then you probably should...
Kids love dogs. Every time my little ones see a pup going by they immediately want to interact/pet/love on the ball of fluffy cuteness walking by. To be fair, I’m usually right there with them oohing and awing over...
When I mention I use essential oils to people, I usually get one of two looks. One of excitement because they too "know the ways" of the oily life or the eye-roll of a person that's gotten one too...
He left for college 7 weeks ago and I counted down the days until he would come home for his first visit. Oh, how I had missed him.  His smile, his help, even the way he left the family room...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
