It’s OK to Not Have a “Thing”
We don’t get to pick what our kids will remember about us. Even though I would like to have an awesome mom “thing” to be remembered by (much like Ross in Friends, not wanting...
They’re so Vain… They probably think this post is about them.
Don't worry this post isn't about you, it isn't completely about me either. It's about the solution I use when we are elbow-deep at a tough doctor's appointment or in the middle of a...
Accessibility, Inclusion and Diversity…..Oh My!
Hopefully, you have seen the new Microsoft commercial featuring an adaptive controller. It ran during the Super Bowl in a primetime slot and has recently blown up the internet. If you haven’t seen it,...
Want to Be Happier and Raise Happier Kids? Say Thank You!
Believe it or not, there is a science to gratitude.
An October 2018 study, done at the University of Hong Kong, showed that actively practicing gratitude was positively linked with motivation and achievement in students,...
Why I Argue in Front of, and with, My Children
That’s right. I argue with anyone in my house who doesn't agree with me and they will be better off because of it. Don’t agree with me? Great! I would love to hear why.
That’s exactly...
A Mobility Device is Not Something to Grieve
“Your child has spina bifida, he most likely will never walk ….”
We sat in shock while we processed this news. The doctor mentioned a few other things about spina bifida, but for some reason...
Taking Control of Your Pelvic Floor – What We All Need to Know
Let me start by saying any woman over the age of 30, especially those that have had pregnancies, regardless of delivery method, should see a pelvic floor physical therapist. As we age, we are...
I Have Nothing in Common With My Kids
My kids are pretty cool. Sometimes they drive me crazy and I wonder who spawned these little demons, but, nonetheless, they are cool. I am amazed at how their little brains work and discover...
Am I Allowed to be OK?
It was devastating. At times, it still sneaks into my psyche and haunts me.
However, I also have seemingly pain free moments. I can smile again, I would even say I am doing OK. The dichotomy...
When Baby Punches You In The Face
Parenting gurus come in all shapes and sizes. The blogger who is deep in the trenches of the #momgrind. The grandmother who is safely on the other side. The author with a new way...
#Momfails from Dayton Moms
These are the moments, we put the cameras away. We don't Live Chat (is that a thing?). We look around and see who might have witnessed and probably give them a sheepish smile. We...
How Parenting has Changed Me: Social Media Edition
Being a mom has changed me. Shocker, I know. Having kids will make your life adjust and shift in directions it hadn’t before. Some of those directions are completely expected, others, however, can be...
Fraud, Party of One: Parenting Special Needs Style
I am a fraud. I have been for a while. It wasn't purposeful, but it still feels like a crime. Most fraud offenses are considered a felony crime and come with punishments that can range...
Practicing What I Preach… Also Not Preaching So Much
How many times do we, as moms, heed our own advice. Whether it comes to helping a friend or passing on sage advice to our children, we often don’t practice what we preach. I...