A very important person had a birthday this week. Theodore Gueisel…one of the most well-known authors in the world. What? You don’t know him? Oh…wait, maybe you will recognize him by his pen name: Dr. Seuss. He chose a...
Hopefully, you have seen the new Microsoft commercial featuring an adaptive controller. It ran during the Super Bowl in a primetime slot and has recently blown up the internet. If you haven’t seen it, click here to go watch...
Nine birthday parties. I have three children, five and under and I have thrown nine “Pinterest” styled birthday parties. Fall themed, ninja turtles, tractors, Thomas the Train, Sesame Street, and the list goes on. Of course, my five-year-old daughter has...
On any given day, I have a never-ending list of things to do. Two part-time jobs, school, two children, a husband, a house, and they all need my attention. I am constantly pulled in different directions. Which thing is most...
Dear baby boy, Your days as an only child are quickly dwindling, and Mommy’s heart is breaking in two. Not because I’m not excited for your little sister’s arrival (apprehensive, maybe, but excited nonetheless), but because I know that somehow,...
Ah, the terrible twos. Full of big, confusing emotions that lead to tears, crying on the floor, and occasionally bonking Mama on the head. Yes, my sweet, precious, baby does that sometimes. I can make a list of reasons why...
1.  First Friday @Downtown Dayton Partnership ***DMB Tip*** Pick one main attraction to do as a family with a backup destination if you feel like continuing on in the night. Can be for families or date night depending on where...
Six words. “You have early onset Alzheimer’s Disease.” It only took six words to immediately and irrevocably change my family’s life. After almost a year of searching for answers to why my 48-year-old husband was forgetting basic things like what day it...
When my daughter was two months old, it was pointed out to me that I was putting her into her carseat incorrectly. Like, ALL wrong. Nobody had ever shown me how to correctly put her in so, honestly, I...
Let the mom-shamers out of the woodwork, I’m ready for it. I let my kids eat breakfast, dinner, and even have snacks in front of the TV. I know the studies and statistics showing the negative effects of screen time....

I Mommed So Hard

I collapsed into bed at 8:41 and I still had little people climbing on my face. Literally. “I need water.” “My jammies have duh toofpaste on ‘em!” “I have a project due tomorrow about energy.” Y’all it had been an exhausting day. It...
This mama is a full time stay at home mom, runs a small business, is a founding member of a local creative community, writes for Dayton Mom’s Blog, has her own blog, attends a mom’s group once a week,...
Mama, Mother, Official Snack Carrier... Whatever title you choose, this life is hectic and beautiful. It is exhausting and exhilarating all at the same time. Actually, speaking of time, it is time-consuming. You are needed every second of every day...

It’s Potty Time!

Potty Training: the right of parenthood passage that no one truly enjoys. A quick search online will yield roughly 18 million different ways to approach this battlefield. Throw in a few highly acclaimed books for good measure, and you've got...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
