I Mommed So Hard


I collapsed into bed at 8:41 and I still had little people climbing on my face. Literally.

“I need water.”

“My jammies have duh toofpaste on ‘em!”

“I have a project due tomorrow about energy.”

Y’all it had been an exhausting day. It was an ‘up before the chickens (if we had chickens), gum stuck in my hair, bumper to bumper traffic’ day. I finally got them all cleaned up, watered, and tucked into their beds and my face planted onto my bed again at ten. My hubby walked in and said, “How was your day?” My muffled response from the pillow:

“I mommed so hard.”

“You ‘mommed’ so hard? What does that mean?” He asked. He asked. Just remember he asked… YES sir. Momming is a verb and I intend to use it. It’s so difficult y’all. Momming is so tough. I love love love it, but let me tell you, there should be a medal for momming.

What does momming entail?

When you realize you have just a little milk left to serve cereal to three ravenous children, and with a baby on your hip, you secretly add a little bit of water while they are all looking at the cereal box. #momming

When you get a call from the school that your child has forgotten his homework and by the way, was also slinging his underwear on the bus, so maybe ‘you could just pop in…’ #momming

When your child announces to the Target lady that, “If we are good our mommy lets us have beer in the car!!” Um no, that would be rootbeer, but thanks for the sideways glance. Please don’t call CPS. #momming

When your morning sickness causes you to throw up next to your potty-training son in a public bathroom to have him scream, “IS IT ON ME? IS IT ON ME?” #momming

When your wardrobe starts to look like Morticia’s Closet from the Adams Family (because WHO actually wears white anyway?!) #momming

When you whip up three costumes for favorite book character day with a tube of mascara, a shower cap, and last year’s Halloween costume. #momming and #winning

When. You. Google. Everything. #momming 

When your balanced meal really just means trying to drive and eat a drive-thru hash brown at the same time. You’ve done it, too. We aren’t judging here y’all. #momming


When taking a shower (finally….I mean it’s been days) means three year old hands sneaking under the shower curtain playing with his submarine in the water, an eight year old son asking why the moon has craters, and the nine year old daughter trying to practice spelling words. Oh, and the husband with the crying baby asking if I am about done. Who has time to rinse and repeat?! I mean seriously, is that a joke? #momming

When you are wiping the spaghetti off of the walls before it takes the paint off. #momming

When you are struggling to open a door to a store because you have the baby carrier on your hip and two big kids holding your hands, and you look over at your husband carrying the three year old and women are rushing to open the door for him. #momming 

When the kids are sick, have a bad dream, misplaced a shoe, got stuck in a shirt (this has happened), can’t sleep, lost homework, need a hug, need support, need someone in their corner.

WE are there. We are the moms.

The keeper of snacks, clean socks, and soccer gear. The lockbox of memories, secrets, and favorite foods. Momming is teaching, wiping, kissing, hugging, dancing, coaching, cleaning, pushing, tickling, guiding, and LOVING our way through everyday with these beautiful, messy, sticky cherubs we call our children. Now, don’t you think “momming” may just be the most beautifully, exhausting word ever created?

I think so. #momming


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