
Kristen Hammaker

Kristen Hammaker
Kristen Hammaker is a Dayton native who recently moved back to the best city in the world. As a Daytonian, of course her writing inspiration is Erma Bombeck. She has two young children and works as a school counselor and Orton-Gillingham Practitioner. Since she has a son and a daughter, she understands how each kid is different and you can't over-generalize anything about gender differences in children. Her current Mom Fantasy is dreaming about a day when she won't have to constantly scrape melted fruit snacks off of all surfaces of her car.

Mommy Got Braces!

After having my kids, my teeth started shifting around due to hormonal changes, evidently. I didn't know that was a thing but clearly pregnancy changed everything! My teeth started moving really closely together. The...

Bad Wrappers Anonymous

Hello everyone. My name is Kristen and I'm a Bad Wrapper. Here's where you're supposed to say, "Hi Kristen, we're Bad Wrappers, too." God, grant me the serenity to accept that my gifts look terrible, the...

It’s a Bathtub Party

It's winter, we're cold - what could be better than languishing in a nice, warm bathtub instead of being outside?! Bath time in my house means relaxation (ok, not really) and fun. We have a...

Watching 90s Christmas Movies with My Kids

Every once in a while, I'll nostalgically start a sentence with "Back in the 90s, we used to..." as I'd explain what a floppy disk was, phone booths, and roll-up windows to my kids....

National Twin Day {Celebrating Dec. 17}

For whatever undisclosed reason, Dec. 17 is the day we celebrate those of us that are twins. I am happy to be one. I look forward to celebrating whatever in general (I don't need...

National “Have a Bad Day” Day {Nov. 19}

When I was reading about this month, this particular day stood out immediately. Some of these days in life, things are just not going well. Your coworkers might even say, "Wow, you look tired..."...

A School Counselor’s Tips for Keeping Kids Safe Online

When I was growing up (maybe I'm aging myself!), we didn't have technology as a factor in how we grew up. I think since technology has developed so quickly, our ability to develop our...

5 MORE of My Favorite Blues Busters

Some days, I have to try a variety of things to get out of a sad mood. It takes a lot of vigilance to try and be my best self. It's not easy but...

5 Things School Counselors Can Do For You

I often get the question, "What do school counselors do, anyway?" Great question! It can vary from school to school and certainly from grade level to grade level. Your counselor can refer you to...

A School Counselor’s Tips for Back to School

Going into my eighth year of school counseling, I have seen a few new school years. Before I was a counselor, I worked as a substitute teacher and ELL tutor. Sometimes we get overlooked...

My Five Favorite Blues Busters

Some of these days of momming are hard, and it's easy to get depressed or overwhelmed sometimes. Here are some of my quick tips to turn your blues around. Of course, I can't overstate...

Our Favorite Dayton-Area Splash Pads

We checked out some new splash pads this year that we love! Of course, the Kennedy Park splash pad is still really great and huge, always a crowd-pleaser. I definitely recommend it. This year we checked...

My Tips for Breastfeeding

Though I have been a bit removed from breastfeeding, I exclusively breastfed two children beyond the age recommended. I was successful throughout and it has remained one of the best experiences of my life. Here...

5 of Our Favorite Free Summer Activities

Here are our favorite summer activities for moms and the preschool/early elementary crowd, with some low-cost ideas listed at the end as well. Free Summer Activities: Make a park "passport" and put a stamp on...