How to Do It All: One Mom’s Secret Revealed


This mama is a full time stay at home mom, runs a small business, is a founding member of a local creative community, writes for Dayton Mom’s Blog, has her own blog, attends a mom’s group once a week, has a growing social media presence, gets together with friends several times a month, does photography on the side, and all of this is among the normal day to day stuff that gets thrown into the mix. It’s exhausting and rewarding and insane, but most of the time I love it.

One of the questions I find people asking often is, “How in the world do you do it all?”

And I’ll let you in on a little secret- I DON’T.

That’s right. The big secret to doing it all is that you can’t. You won’t. It’s simply not possible. And if you don’t believe me, keep trying to do it all. You’ll probably end up like me: crashing, exhausted, empty, and unfulfilled. Because the thing is, we weren’t meant to do it all. (Not on our own at least.)

So yeah, it’s awesome that I have my own business complete with a fancy website. But did you know that my husband does most of the housework so that I have time to be a #momboss and the website was paid for as a birthday gift from a few wonderful friends?

Yes, I have smart, kind, well-rounded, kids but I’ll admit they probably watch way too much TV and I often feel like I don’t do enough educational activities at home with them.

My Instagram feed is clean, cohesive, and I’m happy with the interaction I get from it. But you know, ninety-eight percent of the time my house looks like the aftermath of the Fyre Festival (minus booze, plus diapers).

I spend too much time on my phone. I don’t spend enough time doing laundry.

I take lots of cute pictures of my goof ball kids. I’m rarely in a photo myself.

I plan some awesome social events and build community. I rarely get alone time.

do work hard on my business. I do get to spend a lot of time with my kiddos. I do get to spend time out with friends. But everything I do means sacrificing something else. But for now, I’m ok with having a messy house, limited “me-time,” and kids that know which shows are on Netflix and which are on Hulu.

Is it perfect? Heck no. Am I doing it all? Of course not!

So, before you start worrying about how everyone else is doing it all just remember- THEY’RE NOT.