Stay at Home Ideas for Mother’s Day
Mother's Day might look a little bit different this year, but it doesn't mean that you can't find fun and creative ways to celebrate mom!
Here are a few ideas to help create a memorable...
Canceled Parties and Lessons on Love
It's safe to say that my oldest son has been looking forward to his sixth birthday party since the day after his fifth. Planning the theme, dreaming of cakes, and talking about how much...
He’s OK, I Promise.
This may come as a shock to some of you, but my kids don't always appreciate being told, "no." In fact, "no" is a word that has even been known to bring them to...
Leaping into Leap Year
Leap Year comes around once every four years.
It's the result of the fact that it actually takes the earth roughly 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds to orbit the sun....
What My Kids Need the Most
What my kids need the most is a mom who gives herself grace when the days are hard and she's yelled one too many times.
What my kids need the most is a mom who...
January Dayton Dozen
Looking for ways to beat those winter blues now that the holidays are over? Don't worry - we've got you covered with loads of fun things to do around Dayton this month!
1. Ice Skating @...
They’re Always Listening
The older I've gotten, the more aware I've become of the way that the opinions I heard growing up shaped my relationships with people in my family. As the youngest cousin by many years,...
Raising Thankful Turkeys
My Thanksgiving memories consist of loud family gatherings, lots of delicious food, kids running around in my grandparents' backyard, and hearts overflowing with gratitude. We may not have necessarily always gone around the table...
These Are a Few of My Favorite Fall Things
An Ode to Fall, inspired by My Favorite Things and lovers of fall everywhere.
Pumpkin spice lattes
and warm apple cider
Over-sized sweaters and leggings for lounging
Bright leaves are falling and crisp-cool air sings
These are a few...
The Power of a Cheese Sandwich
To most people, a cheese sandwich isn't anything special. No big deal. All kids eat cheese sandwiches, right? And, I mean, it's not like it's the most nutritious food in the world anyway, so...
September Dayton Dozen: Guide to Family Friendly Events
Festival season is upon us! Check out our guide to all the fun festivals & events going on this month.
PLUS, don't forget about our very own Teddy Bear Dental Clinic going on September...
Back to School Printable
It's that time of year again! Can you believe it!? The backpacks are stuffed, schedules are packed, and buses are cruising around town. Yep, it's already time for our precious kiddos to head back...
Choosing a Lifetime: 10 Years Later
I sat back in my seat and let out a sigh as I had just finished hustling to get my kids situated on the plane (Flying solo with young kids is no joke, y'all!)....
June Dayton Dozen: Guide to Family-Friendly Events
Sweet summertime is upon us! Gather up your family & friends and head out to experience some of these great events!
1. Troy Strawberry Festival @ Downtown Troy & along the Great Miami River Levee