Mom, what is rape? My first encounter with sexual harassment was when I entered the seventh grade. Seventh grade, y’all. My best friend’s dad asked to feel my legs, as his wife sat right there watching. I had no reservations...
(Caution: Mild Spoilers Below) As millions of fans are still reeling from the disappointing and anticlimactic conclusion to the HBO series Game of Thrones (GoT), I am doing what most moms do in bad situations - trying to make the...
In case any new mamas out there need some clarification on the subject, let me start by saying one thing… The terrible twos are REAL, ladies! They’re not a myth. They’re not an urban legend. No, they’re as real...
I am a master... at procrastinating. It is both a strength and a weakness for me. In my youth, it drove my own mother crazy, but she also knew that I thrive on being busy and under pressure. To the...
It's 5 o'clock. Stomachs start to grumble, kids start to get crabby and patience is nowhere to be found. You're tired. They're hangry (hungry/tired/angry). Dinner is still an hour away. The "witching hour," as my sister-in-law calls it, is...
The other day, I bought a bra that was so big, I was embarrassed at check out. (This is coming from a woman who is embarrassed by almost nothing.) I mean, seriously though. This bra looked like I tied two...
It’s no secret that turning 40 comes with a big ole bag of expectations about what your life should look like - who you should “be.” My younger self had specific notions about where I should be in my...
  Spring and summer weddings bring name changes and then babies bring more. How many names do you have? Birth name? Nicknames? Work names… The list goes on and on. But have you ever thought about what your names mean? How...
When I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl almost twelve years ago, I felt sort of relieved. I figured navigating through all of her milestones, big or small, would be a breeze because I am a woman who...

Yes, I Will Rock You

It’s been one of those super long parenting days, the kind that requires multiple cups of coffee. The kind of day where you lock yourself in the bathroom just to get a second alone (We've all been there, right?!)....

Borrowed Time

I begrudgingly stalked back up the stairs to his bedroom at 8:10 a.m. with my lukewarm coffee in-hand, and my fuzzy pink robe draped on me like a turtle’s shell. Truth be told, I wanted to crawl back into...
The super cute first day of school photo snapped in front of your child’s elementary school. A seemingly innocent bathtub shot during bubble fun. A Happy Birthday post. Or, a photo of your toddler in the middle of a temper tantrum. No harm,...
My mother predetermined for me that I would not be allowed to get earrings until I was 11. However, she let me get my ears pierced six weeks before my 11th birthday, in theory, so I would be able...
Don't worry this post isn't about you, it isn't completely about me either. It's about the solution I use when we are elbow-deep at a tough doctor's appointment or in the middle of a blind rage meltdown. I always...

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In + Around Dayton

5 online dating tips for moms

1) Webchat or FaceTime with the person before you go out on a date. This will save you a lot of time by weeding...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up