

Hey there, I'm Rebecca! I am a believer, proud military wife, Mama of 4; 2 in Heaven and 2 here with us. I’m originally from Florida, but we moved to Ohio about three years ago and I honestly LOVE the change. Dayton was quick to feel like home to us, and we've definitely been enjoying the seasons! Being a Mom is the happiest full-time job, but I love making the time to keep up with my personal interests as well. I run a blog and Instagram @theivynest; where I share a bit of our story and everyday life, along with my love of home decor and keeping things simple. Life is definitely busy, but I truly believe that it is equally as beautiful when we choose to see it that way!

Taking Back My ‘Me Time’

Once upon a time, I knew who I was. I had real hobbies that filled my days. I was able to actually finish a cup of coffee before it got cold. Then, I had...

You Are Never ‘Just’ a Stay-at-Home Mom

This past weekend, I got to sneak away for my bi-annual hair color appointment. This is always a day that I look forward to, but this time of year especially. With the craziness of...

True Confession: I Love My Capsule Wardrobe

I am fairly confident that we are all familiar with the capsule wardrobe concept by now, but in case you aren’t, let me summarize it for you. It is a collection of your favorite...

5 Tips to Help You Make It Through Back-to-School Season

It is almost that time of year again. The season that brings fresh boxes of crayons, markers, and glue sticks lining the store aisles, when lunches will once again need to be packed, and...

Mindfulness Is Slowly Changing My Life

When I think back on the last year, there is so much I could say about 2020. I think for a period of time, it was literally used as a curse word around here....

Embracing the Tiny Handprints That Cover Our House

You cannot even walk up to our front door without seeing the first sign that kids live here. There it is, the most perfectly imperfect little handprint pressed right on the front of our...

In My Daughter’s Eyes

She is trusting and brave. Strong-willed and independent. Joy-filled and free. Beautiful both inside and out. She is everything my heart has prayed for year after year. She is a miracle, my miracle, and...

13 Life Lessons I Learned Before Turning 30

We are quickly approaching my birthday, and not just any birthday, my thirtieth birthday. As in THIRTY. 30! Even just typing that, I am in a bit of disbelief. There is something different about this number...

Motherhood: A Love like No Other

Nine months of watching my belly grow and squirm from the outside led to my favorite face-to-face meetings. My heart won’t ever forget the feeling of having those precious babies laid on my chest...

A Frugal Mom’s Guide to Grocery Budgeting

Welcome to January, where I am sure your news feed is flooded with New Year's resolutions, fitness/health-related articles, and budget tips. While I typically love to bring you a break from the norm, this...

Keep It Simple, Santa

“Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus right down Santa Claus Lane...” Am I the only one who gets this crazy song stuck in their head this time of year?! It’s almost as if...

…Still a Good Mom {Joining #thegoodmommovement}

Today has been spent chasing the two tiny tornadoes that sweep through our house, and while I love it (most days), today has been a rough one. And I don't feel like a good...

The Wave of Light {Remembering All of the Little Lives Lost Too Soon}

Oct. 15 is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day. Tonight at 7 p.m. all around the world, people will be taking part in what we call the ‘wave of light’; where we light a...

Soaking Up the Slow Mornings {The Bright Side of Quarantine Life}

These last five months have been anything but normal for all of us. In fact, it has been the exact opposite. Our world has been flipped upside down, preschool has been canceled, Daddy has...