My daughter is a biter. So far, it's not too bad. I mean, she's only bitten me, her dad, her grandma, and probably the nanny. That's not horrible... right? At least she hasn't bitten another child. And she's only broken...
Anyone who has seen National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation knows that Clark Griswold spends the entire holiday season valiantly trying to make Christmas a magical holiday for his family, even while his house literally falls down around him. His character...

When the Holidays Are Hard

December brings a certain magical chill to the air, then almost as if it's overnight, there are twinkle lights everywhere, the aisles are flooded with all things merry, and carols play from every speaker that ever existed. It’s ‘the...
Normalizing what? Aren’t pronouns normal? As a child in the 90s, I learned how to grammatically use pronouns in place of nouns. As an adult in the 2010s, I learned the importance of asserting my own and asking for...

Raising Thankful Turkeys

My Thanksgiving memories consist of loud family gatherings, lots of delicious food, kids running around in my grandparents' backyard, and hearts overflowing with gratitude. We may not have necessarily always gone around the table specifically naming the things we...
I was born in 1986 and by 1988, I had a babydoll securely fashioned to my hip. I have more VHS evidence of my life being destined for motherhood than any other profession. When others wrote that they wanted...
Currently, in the United States, there are over 123,000 children in foster care waiting to be adopted. Each year, since 2000, National Adoption Day (Nov. 23) is celebrated around our courts by having a special day to promote adoption....
Hey, Mamas. This one is for you. The ones who don't yet have kids, but are planning to be parents one day. Our culture has done you a huge disservice.  It tells us almost constantly how difficult children can be. It claims that you...
The other day, I ran to the grocery store after work with both my kiddos. I was still in my scrubs and my girls were both being little angels. I ran into an acquaintance. "Man, I just don't know how...
Every year around the holiday season, our hearts get a little fuller as we celebrate the reason for the season with friends and family. We pay it forward, volunteer, donate gifts to a family in need and count our blessings...
Hustle! Hustle! Hustle! If I had a dollar for every time I have heard that word, I wouldn’t need to hustle! Now, listen... this is actually not a post about how much I hate that word. Is it overused and misused? Sometimes, sure....
Lord help me, I  have a climber. He is 15-months-old and can't walk, but he can climb a dozen steps and slide back down and climb his way up to any destination he wants. None of my other boys have...
Good riddance, 2019. You have been one of the worst years. It feels like I’ve said it from the beginning of the year: “I can’t wait for this year to end.” And then things kept getting worse. Think about it. There...
Have you ever smelled something cooking on the stove that reminded you of being in your Granny's kitchen when you were little? Have you ever heard a song on the radio that instantly takes you back to a memorable...

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In + Around Dayton

5 online dating tips for moms

1) Webchat or FaceTime with the person before you go out on a date. This will save you a lot of time by weeding...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

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Date Night Round Up