I saw her. Sitting next to her mom. Legs crossed. Hair in a messy bun. She had on sunglasses and was sipping Starbucks. Quietly “people watching" as her mom was busy chatting away with a friend. “She” was at...
Shortly after my third child was born, I began to realize that I was... frazzled.  Of course, this is to be expected. I have given birth to three children in four years and fostered two more children in that same...
“I will never let my child sleep in my bed!” - Me (before I was a parent) I’ll be the first to admit that pre-Mom me was pretty annoying. She was a smug know-it-all, and I’d like to slap some...
Long before meeting my husband, I inherited one of my best friends: Snicker. She would meet me at the door every afternoon with whole body wiggles and howls of pure joy. She was my training buddy when she dragged me...
Before kids, grocery shopping was enjoyable. My sanctuary. Therapy. My alone time. I'd sip on my Starbucks as I casually strolled up and down the aisles, perusing the options and mentally running through what we had in our pantry...

It’s Hard.

It’s hard. Motherhood. Marriage. Life. The song and dance of balancing family and a career and a social life and maintaining a home and a healthy diet and exercise. And. And. And. It’s hard. It’s hard to be a mother and...
**First and foremost, fed is best. If you are struggling to produce enough milk for your baby, or for some reason breastfeeding simply doesn't work for you, take a deep breath and repeat those words to yourself as you...
I hired a sitter. I curled my hair. I put on my heels and kissed my babies goodbye. Bound for an evening out on the town, my husband and I were set on clinking glasses in downtown Dayton on...
It was relatively simple. I would drive the getaway car as my husband darted into the restaurant. His mission - to ask an employee to identify a family to have their meal paid for that evening. The manager was...

Gender Bender

In a time of connection and awareness to the vast diversity of the world, we are given a tremendous opportunity to support and include people of any gender - including our own children. Let me start from the beginning. The...

The Undone To-Do List

There it is, sitting on my kitchen counter staring me square in the face; the undone to-do list. How have I been racing around all day, and yet this list still has things left on it?! The answer is...
My face blazed red with embarrassment as I stared dumbly at the receptionist. I was one week post-partum, in the throes of new motherhood and surgery recovery and no sleep.  And these are the things I blamed my blank...
When I was a little girl, I remember being told that I could be whatever I wanted to be when I grew up. The president of the United States. The first girl to play for the Dodgers. The CEO...
The other day as I sat down at the table to go about a certain task that needed to be done, my children came up to me. One needed water. One needed help getting the zipper undone on her...

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In + Around Dayton

5 online dating tips for moms

1) Webchat or FaceTime with the person before you go out on a date. This will save you a lot of time by weeding...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up