
The Gift of Time

What is the greatest gift we can give our children? Physical traits, tangible gifts, a home full of anything they need? What about the gift of time? A colleague shared this idea with me and it clicked. My son is...
Sorry for the cringe-worthy title. But I need your attention. This is the story of the day my daughter got crushed by a 300-pound dresser. One morning last year, I was lying in bed while my husband prepared to leave...

The Power of a Cheese Sandwich

To most people, a cheese sandwich isn't anything special. No big deal. All kids eat cheese sandwiches, right? And, I mean, it's not like it's the most nutritious food in the world anyway, so who cares? To me though,...

Dear Darling Daughter

As I sit here and see my baby girl becoming a beautiful almost-teen, I felt inclined to share with her some things that I have learned along the way. The small things that moms want their daughters to know...

One Single Choice

Before we left the coffee shop, I ran into the ladies room.  I had so much on my mind.  We were facing a big decision and I was nervous and excited and scared to death. Have you ever felt that? The...

Making Memories in the Mess

Extra-large white paper, the perfect palette of paints, and brand new brushes sat before my toddler. I had everything set up to take a picture (for Instagram) of course. In true Mom-balancing act fashion, I had to leave the...

One Lonely Mother

We hear about “mom tribes” and play dates, “momming so hard” and long sleepless nights, piles of poopy laundry  and “Mamma Bear” spirit.  But the part of motherhood that no one prepared me for, that no one seems to talk...

Big. Loud. Love.

“Your house is chaos,” my sister whispered. “Like complete chaos all the time.” At first I was taken back, and maybe just slightly, a wee little bit offended. I mean, I get it. I have four kids, a new puppy,...
I’m not a gun person. We don’t play with guns in our house, we try really hard not to watch TV or read books with guns or weapons (although it is slowly seeping in; I didn’t remember how violent...
It’s been brought to my humble attention that some of the fellow moms I know through social media and our local mom groups that I give off very “zen” vibe. At first I was taken aback that I gave...
I have never thought of myself as a bad person. Sure, I’m not perfect, but a villain? Nah. I'm a stepmother.  I didn’t wake up one morning and decide to don my evil cape, paint my eyebrows into high, thin...
Driving through my old college town on a recent family vacay really pulled at my heartstrings. Silly locations like the Waffle House and Wendy’s that hosted 2 a.m. food binges, the country honky tonk where I used to boot-scoot...

I’m Mentally Exhausted

I am exhausted. I always knew motherhood would make me tired. Plenty of people warned me about that. “You’ll never sleep again!” and “Sleep when the baby sleeps!” Sure. Right. Whatever. I can handle that. I knew that was...
When my daughter Rose was born in 2015, I was prepared for months of no sleep, walking around like a zombie, and just being generally exhausted for the foreseeable future. So when she started sleeping through the night (12+...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
