It’s no secret that turning 40 comes with a big ole bag of expectations about what your life should look like - who you should “be.” My younger self had specific notions about where I should be in my...

Yes, I Will Rock You

It’s been one of those super long parenting days, the kind that requires multiple cups of coffee. The kind of day where you lock yourself in the bathroom just to get a second alone (We've all been there, right?!)....
Imagine your neighbor just put in a beautiful, inground pool complete with a volleyball net, slide, diving board and beautiful landscaping. You admire the pool from afar and think it is very nice, but swimming is just not your...

Borrowed Time

I begrudgingly stalked back up the stairs to his bedroom at 8:10 a.m. with my lukewarm coffee in-hand, and my fuzzy pink robe draped on me like a turtle’s shell. Truth be told, I wanted to crawl back into...
I’m not writing this because I 100% practice what I preach. I will go ahead and admit that I don’t always adhere to the following. When it comes down to the nitty-gritty, the reason I am sharing these things...
Just a few months ago, I decided it was time I got on the butter dish train. My kids love a good buttered toast. My husband and I enjoy some Kerrygold every now and again. And I was tired...
I'm sure you've seen it in the news or on Facebook. Lawmakers in Ohio recently introduced The Ohio Equal Pay Act, a bill to help ensure women are compensated fairly and equally to their male counterparts. While this seems...
Don't worry this post isn't about you, it isn't completely about me either. It's about the solution I use when we are elbow-deep at a tough doctor's appointment or in the middle of a blind rage meltdown. I always...
There are two kinds of expectations: Those society creates, and those you put on yourself. For me, the latter has been my biggest battle since having my second baby five months ago. Society’s unrealistic expectations don’t resonate with me. My...
Making friends isn’t as easy as it once was. As a kid, all it seemed to take was a common interest in Lisa Frank school supplies and it was immediate BFF status. In high school, you were clumped into...
Unless you've been avoiding social media or the news lately, then you've probably heard about the latest Hollywood scandal involving college admissions and deep-pocketed celebrities. Normally when "breaking news" like that hits the airwaves I can generally roll my...

That Mom

I’ve been at this whole motherhood thing for a little over two years now, and I still find myself getting caught up in comparing myself to “that mom.” You know the one. That mom with the picture-perfect Instagram posts...
Social media is wonderful. Instagram is my jam. I follow fashion influencers, women with mermaid-like tresses, lifestyle bloggers (helloooo chunky knit throws and exposed brick accent walls), musicians, makeup artists (Seriously, show me again how to apply that highlighter...

Be the Good

My Dear Sweet Baby, I am so sorry. My heart is heavy, and my mind is just racing. I feel such weighted guilt. Your father and I tried for years, prayed for days on end to have a chance to...

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In + Around Dayton

5 online dating tips for moms

1) Webchat or FaceTime with the person before you go out on a date. This will save you a lot of time by weeding...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up