1.  First Friday @Downtown Dayton Partnership ***DMB Tip*** Pick one main attraction to do as a family with a backup destination if you feel like continuing on in the night. Can be for families or date night depending on where...

I had fun. Full stop.

This is a blog about a bad habit. It's a bad habit that has crept in so quietly that you might not notice, but even so, it takes a little bit of the joy out of every event. And it...
So, here we are... Winter. Winter is my least favorite season. Winter is cold, icy, snowy, dark, and did I mention cold? It feels like the longest four months of the year to me. The days are short, the sunshine is...
I thought I would be sad. I thought that I would cry and feel a loss. I thought it would be devastating, the day my ovaries entered retirement. When I turned 42, my body started to change and my periods became a...
Let the mom-shamers out of the woodwork, I’m ready for it. I let my kids eat breakfast, dinner, and even have snacks in front of the TV. I know the studies and statistics showing the negative effects of screen time....
I have lovely memories of playing games with my family growing up. And having found the hobby of modern board games, I love creating new memories with my own family. Here are 5 tips to enjoy board games for a...
One of my favorite things in the entire world is going out on dates with my husband. 19 years ago we went out on our very first date and started a whirlwind of a ride. We would go out...
On January 1 this year, I decided to quit pumping. This wasn’t an easy decision for me to make. It was accompanied by lots of tears, plus feelings of loss and anger. But after the clouds lifted, I realized how...

Unplug and Snug

My name is Emily, and I’m a smartphone-aholic. I came to this realization when my almost 21-month-old son made it his personal mission to start bringing my phone to me if I left it anywhere else in the house...
Believe it or not, there is a science to gratitude. An October 2018 study, done at the University of Hong Kong, showed that actively practicing gratitude was positively linked with motivation and achievement in students, as reported by both the...
This is a sponsored post in partnership with Dayton Children's Hospital. We are pleased to partner with them to offer our readers the highest quality health information. Your child isn't in your sight, but you can hear her quietly playing...
Every time I tell someone my husband has Tourette Syndrome (TS) I giggle a tiny bit. Of course that sounds awful, but I just know the first thing they likely imagine is the infamous “Tourette’s guy” from YouTube. He’s famous...
Looking for some fun ways to beat the winter blues? Well, look no further! We've got you covered with everything from art experiences to car shoes and lots of other exciting events in between! 1. All Night Ride @ Mike's...
Several years ago we headed to see the Indiana Pacers play a game of hoops. Our daughter was playing in a college game after the NBA at Banker's Life Stadium, so we bought some nose bleed seats to see...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
