This fall, one of my lifelong dreams came true. I became a soccer Mom. I’ve dreamed of this day since I was in high school, watching my friends on our school team play on our dirt soccer field. I have dreamed...
I’m about to say something pretty radical - I don’t hate the mom-shame. I’m here for it. Okay, well,  I don’t LOVE it. Let’s be honest - no one likes being called out or made to question their judgement....
AHH the new year is among us. We start to go through sugar detox, pray for summer (because we just were wishing for winter), and begin to think about all the things we are going to change or implement....
January always brings a fresh slate and the opportunity to set new goals. If you've ever thought to yourself, "I'd like to run a 5k/10k/half marathon/full marathon" or "I think I'd like to become a runner," then January is...
Her name is Kate. She is the mother of my son. She is an addict. She changed who I am. Pursuing adoption is not an easy adventure. Our adventure began with a woman named Kate, addicted to heroin, homeless and...
Still riding that happy holiday high? Feeling burnt out but looking for some fun? No worries because we've got a whole list of family-friendly fun for January. So grab those coats and gloves and bundle up because there is still...
There are some amazing lactation consultants out there who offer terrific help with nursing, no doubt, but your time in the hospital is limited. Post-discharge consults are great but typically only happen when someone is desperate, so here are...

Driving Me Crazy

No one ever tells you when you are stressing over things like teaching your young toddler about sharing, manners, and how to use a toilet, how much patience it takes. Those are tough skills to learn at any age,...

New Year – New You?

Ah, New Year’s resolutions. I used to be a resolutions girl. I loved the feeling of setting concrete goals, of starting fresh, of making THIS be THE year.  Can anyone relate? Since getting pregnant in 2015, I feel like time is...

Redefining the Village

  We have all heard the saying a million and one times: "it takes a village." We know that it's true because we live it every day as parents, whether we have a large amount of help or only a little....
I’m all for social media. It’s fun for me! I’ve never been one of those people who makes a big Facebook announcement about how I just “need a break” and “if you need me, you know where to find...
The first time my husband told me that we would be moving to Dayton in 2010, I remember checking all of the online listings for available homes in our price range. It's one of the hardest part of a...

My Inheritance

Our family just finalized our second adoption.  The final adoption hearing is pretty formal. Complete with a lawyer, a judge, a bailiff and a courtroom full of family and friends. 4 years ago we adopted for the first time and...
That’s right. I argue with anyone in my house who doesn't agree with me and they will be better off because of it. Don’t agree with me? Great! I would love to hear why.  That’s exactly what arguing and debating does...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
