Tourette Syndrome – It’s Not What You Think


Every time I tell someone my husband has Tourette Syndrome (TS) I giggle a tiny bit.

Of course that sounds awful, but I just know the first thing they likely imagine is the infamous “Tourette’s guy” from YouTube. He’s famous for incessantly and uncontrollably swearing at the silliest times. He also goes on many angry rants about random things. But for most adults with Tourette Syndrome, this is a very inaccurate depiction of their symptoms. Often the symptoms are far more subtle, especially into adulthood. 

I actually didn’t know my husband had Tourette Syndrome for the first six months of our relationship. I had noticed his facial tics only on a few occasions. When I did I thought maybe it was something he did purposefully.

I knew so little about the syndrome that it never even occurred to me that he could have TS.

During the pregnancy of our daughter, I read a lot about the genetic component of Tourette Syndrome. I was a bit nervous, honestly. My husband told me of his struggles being bullied for his tics in school. I certainly didn’t want that experience for my daughter. I don’t want that for anyone else’s kids, either. 

As time went on I decided to learn even more about Tourette Syndrome. I was surprised to learn of all the different ways TS affects people. My husband’s syndrome makes him much more prone to anxiety, OCD, learning difficulties,  as well as impulsive behaviors. I wished I had done more reading earlier so that I had a better understanding of my husband. TS is so much more than simple or complex tics.

Looking back I’m a bit embarrassed by my continued ignorance on this topic. It’s important to learn about the things we don’t understand and encourage our kids to do the same. A small bit of empathy goes a long way for those suffering with disabilities.