I have a confession to make…I had never been to a Whole Foods Market until I was invited to shop this past week for my family’s barbeque! My 2 year old and I went on an adventure to find...
I  have survived raising 2 children. I have been through the terrible 2,s  and fearful 3's and forgetful 4's, the friendships that work, those that don't, discipline at school for talking to much, the science fair projects, homework, good...

Grocery Game Printable

One of the many things I loved about Dayton when I first moved here was the incredible selection of grocery stores all around town. No matter what your shopping preference may be, you’re pretty much covered. Despite the love...

Big Boy Room

This past weekend we did some rearranging and winter cleaning in our house. While we were cleaning, we also switched a couple of rooms...our office and Logan's room. Logan was upgraded to the big boy room and he was very...
I was raised in a very authoritarian household. Not in a "spare the rod, spoil the child" kind of way, but in a "be polite, smile, and respect your elders" kind of way. This has served me well, especially...

“YES” Day

How many times have you said no today? I am usually around double digits before I have even finished reheating my second cup of the coffee in the microwave…..for the third time. The reasons I say no tend to...
When I took our daughter Ellie to the pediatrician for her one-year-old check-up, the doctor asked me if I’d like to have her blood drawn to test her lead level. With the exception of the news articles I had...
  Summer is upon us and that means family summer vacation time and the road trips that come with it! Long car rides often leave limited decisions for dining options. I enlisted the help of Whole Foods Market to support...
My son is almost two. If you've ever had a two year old you may cringe just reading that sentence. They don't call it the terrible two's for nothing and I've been learning that already. While it's great that...

Happy 4th of July

The Dayton Moms Blog team is taking a content break from 7/3 - 7/7 for the holiday. We hope that all of you take some time today to unplug, enjoy your family and friends, eat some yummy grilled food, watch...

The Mother Sauce

I’m a busy mom. And let’s face it. I think in the dictionary, the word “busy” has the word “mom” in its definition. Our schedules have us going here and there and everywhere, and we have to prioritize whether...
Why on earth would anyone bathe their dog before their morning coffee? Simple - Emma. If you've met Emma you'd understand. You would probably laugh and need no further explanation. Emma is our wild child! But if you haven't, here...
Dear Momma, This letter is to express the gratitude that is not always given. You do so much for everyone and find a way to ensure that everyone’s needs are met before your own. Not everyone could do your job,...
I am not a medical professional. I am the daughter of a nurse and an architect, so my medical background is a whole lot of "I've seen sick and you're not it" combined with super nice handwriting. I have no...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
