If you haven’t read Gary Chapman’s The Five Love Languages yet, you’ve got to get yourself to the library and check it out. Pun intended. It provided incredible insight to the ways that I receive and give love to...
Recently I came to the realization that now that I am a mom, I need to work on how to talk to non-moms! Here's the scene: I'm at a networking thang, sighhhh, trying to stick my neck out and meet new...
Have you talked to your partner about sex recently? I'm not talking about just a simple, "Hey do you want to have sex tonight?" kind of talk, but rather an intimate conversation about how your sex life is going...
In a simple moment of a heated argument, my son looked at me and said: "Well, just have fun with your 'new' family!" and I cried. Blending a family is NOT easy and it takes time. I am nine years...
When I say “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder,” you probably think I must be a military veteran trying to process service-related trauma. That’s certainly what I thought when I studied PTSD in graduate school, looking at “shell shock” and other related...
Gift giving is something I love to do and I like to think I'm pretty good at it. I spend a lot of time throughout the year paying attention to what people say, hint at, etc.; and it's no...
On Valentine's Day, everywhere you turn there are hearts and flowers and LOVE! Everyone is talking about date nights and visions of romance. And it's all just so sweet and lovely.  But what about when you don't feel like romancing...
There once was a time where every single encounter was an adventure, date nights out were a weekly if not twice-weekly thing, uninterrupted conversations were the norm, and quality time was at an all-time high. We had the freedom...
Exactly two years ago, I left my husband. Everything in me knew I had to go. Sometimes you feel 100% sure about something and this time, I knew I couldn't spend another 5 minutes in that house with him. I...
A "just us" getaway. Something that hadn't occurred in almost 8 years was in the works. Eight years and four kids later we were way past due. Ohio was cold so the beach was the place to go. We...

PDA is A-Okay

I can remember being 19 years old, running from the car to a bookstore with my boyfriend in the pouring down rain. He yelled “Hop on my back!” I gleefully ran full speed and hopped onto his back and...
I was scrolling through a website way too late one evening and came upon an article about people sharing their “red flags” before they got divorced. Intrigued, I read that article, and then a related article, and another. More...
So your BFF has kids now. It's fine. You knew the day was coming. There was a guy, and then less "girls night out", then all of the sudden they were multiplying and now she's asking you to pick up...
The beach is my happy place.   Since my mother passed away in December 2017, I have been looking forward to the beach vacation we had planned and yet part of me was afraid to go, afraid to go and miss...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
