Lion, Beaver, Otter or Golden Retriever {What’s Your Personality?}


I am a lion, with a little otter on the side.

As a part-time gig, I teach sexual health at our local schools and one of the activities that we do is a personality test. One of our goals is to teach the students to make good choices in regard to their relationships and by learning more about themselves and how they are, so they can make better choices in a partner.


I just wrapped up the personality test with a class of 8th graders and was thrilled with their attentiveness and the way they responded to learning about themselves. A few students asked me to guess what they were, so I wrote it on a piece of paper and hid it in their books for them to find after they took the test. I have a pretty good read on people, even after knowing them for only a few days, and they were astonished that I got their correct dominant and sub-dominant combination.

It’s an easy test and you can’t study for it. Here is the gist: you pick what words best describe you and hit the button. This test may not be scientific, but it is enlightening for sure. You have characteristics of all of the personality types, but this test will show you what your dominant and sub-dominant traits are. This can really help you understand why you react to other people the way you do and how you treat others. It is important not to take this FOR someone, but allow them to choose the words that best describe them.

I may have made all of my big kids and their significant others take the test. I was so surprised by the results. I found out my son, who I thought was just like me, was indeed nothing like me and his wife was just like me, which explains why he wants to please the two lions in his life since he is a golden retriever. The results helped me understand my sweet stepdaughter and her fun-loving attitude, and I learned so much about each of our big kids and their significant others.

So take a few moments and take the test. I’m a lion, what are you?

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Cheryl Brackemyre
Hey local mommas! I grew up in Centerville, but I now live in Wilmington with my husband Tony. Together we have 6 kids, Joe, and his wife Allison, Austin, and his wife Hannah, Sydney and her husband Hayden, Andrew and his wife Lauren and our littles, Max and Eli. Did I mention we are a little nuts starting over with this parenting thing when we are 45+? We are officially adding new titles to our names in 2022- Tiki and Jeep (our version of Grandma and Grandpa). My husband and I are both ministers, and we get to work together in a local church. We were both married before and brought our families together in 2010. After a few years of marriage we felt God's leading for us to adopt. We added Max to our family in 2014 and Eli joined us in 2017, our quiver is officially full! Blending our family has been an adventure! Add some ex-spouses and two birth mommas and we have ourselves a crazy crew! Coffee is my love language. The beach is my happy place and I long to have my toes in the sand. I love being part of the team at Dayton Mom Collective.


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