Why on earth would anyone bathe their dog before their morning coffee? Simple - Emma. If you've met Emma you'd understand. You would probably laugh and need no further explanation. Emma is our wild child! But if you haven't, here...
The dressers were busting like a can of biscuits, overflowing with 10 too many t-shirts and I decided to grab some bags to thin out our supply. My son, 9 years young came barreling through his bedroom door with...
My son is about to turn 10, TWO DIGITS. I've been through other milestones with my older boys, but this one gets me every time. For some reason that I can't put into words, this milestone of hitting two digits...

Forever On My Lap

Mom guilt. The two words I attempt to ignore and claim do not exist in my life. The reality is I am a big fat liar if I actually identify that as my truth. I feel drowned in mom guilt...
Today, my two year old peed his pants. He drenched the undies that he asked to wear (which I agreed to since he’s 99% potty trained), made a puddle on the dining room chair that created a mini waterfall...
Like most 5-year-olds, my daughter Rose is full of questions. Some of them are pretty easy to answer, while some I don't have a clue how to answer. Some of them I can't answer because I don't understand or...
It is very important to my husband and I that our boys grow up learning how to give graciously, accept others and be nonjudgmental. I have big ideas of how our family can get involved in various organizations when...

It’s Potty Time!

Potty Training: the right of parenthood passage that no one truly enjoys. A quick search online will yield roughly 18 million different ways to approach this battlefield. Throw in a few highly acclaimed books for good measure, and you've got...
When my daughter was an infant she was the happiest baby on the planet. She went to anyone and eveyone, she was soooo social, she rarely ever cried. She was not only adorable, but exactly what I would have...
  Try as I may, I cannot slow time down. In a few weeks I will become the proud mother of a kindergartner. My oldest son Cooper will be attending a full day of school for the first time. The beautiful thing is that he is...
My son is almost two. If you've ever had a two year old you may cringe just reading that sentence. They don't call it the terrible two's for nothing and I've been learning that already. While it's great that...
I was having a rare no-kid lunch out with a friend recently. Her son is about a year younger than my son and I enjoy when we can meet up - with or without the kids. We chatted about...
My daughter turned 5 and nobody could possibly turn her away from wanting to go to kindergarten. Ever since she started in the preschool class at her daycare, she told herself, "I am going to kindergarten next year!" I...
Cliché you may say, that infamous African proverb,"It takes a whole village to raise a child." Do I agree? Somedays. Do I disagree? Somedays. It's one of those sayings that can cause some big dramatic uproar on the parenting...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
