Recently, another mom friend and I were sharing daughter war stories. She told me about her daughter’s choice to wear pajamas to school one day. She couldn’t convince her that slippers would get ruined in the rain. Her daughter...
Dear sweet baby boy, Tomorrow you will be one. ONE! Your first 365 days on earth have been, at the same time, the longest and shortest year of our lives. We all experienced our first pandemic. Fortunately, you won’t be...
Like many new mamas who choose to breastfeed their little ones, I began with excitement, a little nervousness, and absolutely no idea what I was actually doing. I remember lying in the hospital bed, minutes after my daughter was born,...
We had been lucky. Three kiddos in, and we had avoided the one thing as a parent I dreaded the most, a toddler sick with the stomach flu. With a whole lot of luck, blessings from above, or perhaps...
When I was a kid, my Dad, ex Air Force, used to DRAG us to air shows every summer. It was fun for all of two seconds and then it was laying on the tarmac in 100 degree weather...
I return home, after my Saturday morning hour of solo sweat, to my little sweet humans running laps around my ankles and my husband sipping his coffee on the couch. Soon thereafter I hear, "mama, I wanna go to the market!"...
All any new parent wants is to keep their new little one safe. However, in a world where everyone has an opinion and every company fights for that number one spot, it can be a challenge to know exactly...
As I have been working from home with my kiddos over the last couple of months, I have seen my sweet little baby boy turning into a daredevil toddler right before my eyes. This is largely thanks to his...
It's that time of year again... Back-to-School Time!!! We know parents all over Dayton have tons of questions and are looking for all the best tips around this time. In our community, we have readers with all ages of...
I'm a proud Boy-Mom! I have 2 boys, a toddler and a preschooler. They are amazing. Honestly, I have always pictured myself as a Boy-Mom and predicted both of my children would be sons. I grew up with 4...

Sign for Me, Baby!

Many years ago, as an undergraduate student the University of South Carolina, I wrote a research paper about baby sign. From a high level, my paper looked at the developmental benefits of learning manual and verbal language in tandem,...
Toddlers are unique creatures. One moment, they can be very lovable and cuddly and make you the happiest you have ever been. But the next, they might throw a toy car at you and yell at you to “GO...

The Gift of a Broken iPad

I am here to confess something that I didn't understand was broken in our family and then to tell you the gift we were given. Our family likes technology. Phones and iPads make for easier car rides, calmer dinners out, entertainment...
A very important person had a birthday this week. Theodore Gueisel…one of the most well-known authors in the world. What? You don’t know him? Oh…wait, maybe you will recognize him by his pen name: Dr. Seuss. He chose a...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
