Paper is one of the most recycled products by weight in the US; more than glass, plastic, steel and aluminum combined, according to Paper Recycles.  If you have budding artists like me, material appropriate for mark-making is always a hot...
I planted a garden this spring. I set up a greenhouse and filled every container with dirt and started my garden. I bought seeds and my "Backyard to Table" journey began. I've tried this before and I was skeptical.  I've done container...
We are a camping family! I say it and I'm not going to lie, some people give us odd looks and think "roughing it" is a stay at only a 3 star Holiday Inn. I get it, I totally...
The best piece of wisdom my mother has ever given me is to be gentle with myself. She has reminded me of this throughout grade school, college, my first day at my real job, and when I was a new...
Our family of five recently moved. Moving is a very stressful endeavor for the whole family but quite often an eventual part of life. We’d been renting a home in Kettering for almost five years and while we loved...
Do you ever feel guilty about leaving the kids to have free time, enjoy you time, or to get date nights with your significant other back? Now, you can have all that plus peace of mind during the work...
I had been preparing for weeks. Visually scanning the battlefield, brainstorming about how I may or may not be able to conquer the course, and eventually decided enough was enough. Tuesday was the day. The day I would take...
If you walk into our home, you will likely notice a large tree, along with multiple other houseplants scattered throughout the main rooms. Somedays, the clay pots are overflowing with green and beautiful leaves; other times their contents start...
Tis the season for packing boxes of love and light to send to people we care about around the country (or world)! My family doesn't live close to the Gem City - in fact in our 11 years of...
Family movie night has been a tradition in our house since before our kids were born. One night a week, we have pizza for dinner and pile on the couch to watch a movie together. Now that we are...
Take a peek inside our family’s pantry, and you’ll see five different kinds of peanut butter. With almost an entire shelf dedicated to everyone’s favorite preferences, we are pretty prepared for a nutaggedon or even the nut-apocalypse. From the...

Salad Exchange

The holidays are over and now we sit with guilt as to how much we indulged our taste buds. It's that dreaded time of year, to attempt to shed those pounds, and actually achieve that New Year’s resolution of...
Avoid ‘Cable Customer Service Purgatory’ and learn from one of the BillBusters experts on how to cut your bill by as much as 720 a year! “The simple tip: Use Amanda and avoid the hassle altogether. BillBusters doesn’t charge unless...
Here's a quick history lesson on Cinco De Mayo, which translates to the fifth of May. First and foremost, it is not Mexico's Independence Day! It is actually an annual celebration that commemorates the Mexican Army's victory over the...

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In + Around Dayton

5 online dating tips for moms

1) Webchat or FaceTime with the person before you go out on a date. This will save you a lot of time by weeding...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up