Take a peek inside our family’s pantry, and you’ll see five different kinds of peanut butter. With almost an entire shelf dedicated to everyone’s favorite preferences, we are pretty prepared for a nutaggedon or even the nut-apocalypse. From the...
Avoid ‘Cable Customer Service Purgatory’ and learn from one of the BillBusters experts on how to cut your bill by as much as 720 a year! “The simple tip: Use Amanda and avoid the hassle altogether. BillBusters doesn’t charge unless...
Cue the cool crisp air, the ombre leaves falling from the trees, the oversized sweaters and boots, the smell of fireplaces in the evening. Autumn is here. I vividly remember the first time my family went to pick apples at...
I usually break out my slow cooker in Fall once the cold temperatures set in (and by cold temperatures, I mean 50 degrees). For some reason, the colorful leaves conjure up images of warm spiced applesauce and the crisp...
We're coming out of spring cleaning season and I'm curious, do you have anything in your home that you just cannot stand the sight of but you can never bring yourself to get rid of? I am hoping that...
Mom's Sales can be a great way to control your budget when you are providing a wardrobe for children who are growing faster than they can wear out their clothes.  Think of a cross between a consignment shop & a...
Our family moves. A lot. A constant theme of "hello, goodbye." My husband is active duty Air Force, so it comes with the territory. We are raising three daughters, who are 4,5, and 8; they were each born in...
organizational planner

The 2022 [Un]Planner

Hi, my name is Cat, and I am a huge fan of planners. At least, in my mind I am. In reality, I'll buy a beautiful planner and have all these good intentions of using it daily to track appointments,...

Mom Hobbies You Need

Mom hobbies. Sounds like an oxymoron, right? What mom actually has time for a hobby other than continually hoping for a full night’s sleep and no meltdowns at the grocery? I know, it’s not that you wouldn’t love to...
As we gear up for warmer months, our family is looking forward to more time outdoors. While it's fun to adventure, I have found that our little people actually prefer hanging out home a lot of the time. With...

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In + Around Dayton

5 online dating tips for moms

1) Webchat or FaceTime with the person before you go out on a date. This will save you a lot of time by weeding...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up