Mealtime is a struggle with my 4-year-old.  We sit at the table and he looks for any distraction, from the grain of the wood on the table to the art on the walls.  When he does actually start eating, he usually chooses...
Today, my two year old peed his pants. He drenched the undies that he asked to wear (which I agreed to since he’s 99% potty trained), made a puddle on the dining room chair that created a mini waterfall...
Recently, another mom friend and I were sharing daughter war stories. She told me about her daughter’s choice to wear pajamas to school one day. She couldn’t convince her that slippers would get ruined in the rain. Her daughter...
Anyone who has kids has experienced the dreaded tantrum. I don't think any parent has ever been blessed with a child who hasn't had at least one...right? My three year old really is a very well behaved kid. She has...
My one-year-old son brings me things throughout the day: a Thomas the Tank Engine train, a drink coaster, a piece of carpet lint. This evening’s item was a ketchup bottle. I was sitting at our kitchen island talking to my...
Mortifying Mom-fession: I am ruled by a tiny little tyrant who coincidentally happens to be my daughter. I don’t know how this happened, truly I don’t.  I have the best intentions, truly I do.  Yet, here I am, a 32-year-old woman,...
March is National Nutrition Month, and it has me seriously contemplating how I can do a better job with food - for my toddler. Mealtime had become painful at our household. We would cook healthy meals with vegetables and our 19-month...
It’s here. Toddler-hood has arrived at our house in full force.  It came loudly and without much warning. One day my angelic baby could seemingly do no wrong, and the next her sticky little hands were into everything. Resistance...
As I type this, my 14-month-old is standing by my chair, grabbing at my shirt, insisting on having her "nursies", once again. I don't know how she hasn't had enough in the past 24 hours, as her multiple wake...
All any new parent wants is to keep their new little one safe. However, in a world where everyone has an opinion and every company fights for that number one spot, it can be a challenge to know exactly...
I  have survived raising 2 children. I have been through the terrible 2,s  and fearful 3's and forgetful 4's, the friendships that work, those that don't, discipline at school for talking to much, the science fair projects, homework, good...

Big Boy Room

This past weekend we did some rearranging and winter cleaning in our house. While we were cleaning, we also switched a couple of rooms...our office and Logan's room. Logan was upgraded to the big boy room and he was very...
My son is almost two. If you've ever had a two year old you may cringe just reading that sentence. They don't call it the terrible two's for nothing and I've been learning that already. While it's great that...
Why on earth would anyone bathe their dog before their morning coffee? Simple - Emma. If you've met Emma you'd understand. You would probably laugh and need no further explanation. Emma is our wild child! But if you haven't, here...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
