March is National Nutrition Month, and it has me seriously contemplating how I can do a better job with food - for my toddler. Mealtime had become painful at our household. We would cook healthy meals with vegetables and our 19-month...
We want to offer a special thank you to our sponsor for this month’s Dayton Dozen… Panera Bread. With Rapid Pick Up (and even delivery from select locations), you can count on Panera to keep your family eating healthy and...

I Love You, But…

“I love you, but…” it’s something we could easily say to our kids throughout the day. “I love you, but, I wish you would pick up your toys.” “I love you, but, I wish you would go to sleep.” “I love you,...
Everywhere we turn these days we are bombarded by models and beautiful women striving to look a certain way. If you are like me you have probably plowed through just about every diet and exercise fad out there. Ever since...
From the very moment your eyes read that positive pregnancy test in your trembling hand, something changed in you. One of your most basic instincts awoke like a hibernating mama bear and you felt for the very first time "I'm...
My kids were watching an episode of Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood the other day about Daniel taking a trip to visit Grandpere, and Daniel had this neat little map his mom made of things to see and do on the...

An Egg-cellent Debate

Every year, as Easter draws near, a great debate begins between my mom and I. It’s not about the resurrection of our Lord. It doesn’t even involve the absurdities of the Easter bunny. Dear friends, it all circulates around...
March is finally here and we can’t help but be excited because it means signs of Spring will come to thaw us out. It also happens to be the time to celebrate some pretty exciting stuff, like National Craft...
I have been to exactly two 'public' Easter Egg Hunts in my entire 40 years of life.  Once as a small child and once as an adult.  Both have left me traumatized and I have vowed to never attend...

Is Three So Terrible?

March is a big month for us; we have two birthdays just days apart from each other. My son’s and mine. I can’t believe he will be 3 and I will be 21…plus 12. It’s been an amazing 3...
St. Patrick’s Day is coming up and it seems that most holidays are synonymous with food. Turkey dominates Thanksgiving, ham is usually served on Easter, and St. Patrick’s Day conjures up visions of deliciously seasoned corned beef and boiled...
“Endo-metri-what-ee?” was my response to being told about my diagnosis after a laparoscopic surgery to remove an ovarian cyst at the ripe old age of 18. Granted, I was still heavily under the influence of anesthesia, so I mentally...
When it comes to St. Patrick’s Day, people seem to fall into three camps. There are the revelers who have March 17 circled in bold green on their calendar. They get dressed head to toe in green, eat ONLY...
Each March we celebrate Saint Patrick's Day. But March is also Social Worker Month. The National Association of Social Workers has set this years theme as Advocates, Champions, and Leaders.   This month is important to myself, in that I have...

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In + Around Dayton

5 online dating tips for moms

1) Webchat or FaceTime with the person before you go out on a date. This will save you a lot of time by weeding...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up