"I just love interviews! Those twenty minutes I spend trying to convince a complete stranger to hire me are just so exhilarating!" - said no one ever.  One thing is certain, pretty much all of us have, at some point...
Part of attacking monstrous tasks is just getting started. Here are some quick tips to car seat detailing, along with the at-home items that make detailing even the worst "car seat casseroles" a nightmare of the past. Car Seat Detailing...
There are a few things I keep on hand to keep my family ready for any adventure. Let these ‘on-the-go mom hacks’ help you in your daily mom life.  Place for Stickers Stickers will find your child; at the grocery, library,...
Do you love to craft but need a new idea? Are you not very crafty but wish you could be? Do you need an activity that will be fun and entertaining and fully engage some 2-year-olds? How about some...
We have been checking out some great parks lately and I wanted to give you an update on them. For those of us that are potty training, I'm including information on the bathroom situation because usually, that is at...
I’ve been in a closet purging mood lately and I've turned to Facebook to sell my items. I have four dogs and a toddler that I obviously need room for, so clutter just doesn’t fit in. After cleaning out my...
I am going to be honest.  I have this ongoing fantasy.  Although I am not proud of it, I want a sugar daddy. I sometimes think about it when I first wake up.  The thought of it even creeps in...
After long winters, most of us anxiously await the arrival of spring. Behold! It is here! Opening the windows to let the curtains blow in the breeze. Propping the front door open to let the sunlight shine in. Watching...
Screen time's a plenty nowadays. But, oh how I long for the mom version of "Netflix and Chill, i.e. "Netflix, Now Chill Out." Here are some pieces of the internet to give you some peace. Some local, some within...
Moms today should indeed be labeled as Super Woman! Ok, forget Super Woman. How about super human?! We’ve always been master jugglers - but 2020 has thrown the whole world for a loop and I believe us mamas need...
I very well may have the pickiest eater on the face of the planet, which spurred my meal planning mission. When dinnertime rolls around, I cringe at the thought of having to cook and hear the complaints yet again....
The sweating. The buying of every fresh produce item that you can see. The checking off of the list of 'what can they and what can't they consume yet.' The baby food steamer vs baby food steamer and puree...
Growing up, my mom always planned a creative birthday party for me and my brothers. I have fond memories of craft parties and destination parties. They were always low-key but made me feel special and loved. I have tried to...
Our guy travels a fair amount for his job (though far, far less than pre-COVID at the moment, and we have adored the extra time together). After years of travels and many short times apart, these are three simple...

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In + Around Dayton

5 online dating tips for moms

1) Webchat or FaceTime with the person before you go out on a date. This will save you a lot of time by weeding...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up