I'm really a very ordinary person. I'm a wife, a stepmother, a mother, an employee, a friend, a woman. I say I'm ordinary because there are so many women that can also fill these shoes. I have, just like many,...
One of my favorite things in the entire world is going out on dates with my husband. 19 years ago we went out on our very first date and started a whirlwind of a ride. We would go out...
George Floyd's call to his mother should be a call to ALL moms right now. We need your voice with us now more than ever to make a better future for our children. Oh, the joy of teenage years. One...
It’s no secret that turning 40 comes with a big ole bag of expectations about what your life should look like - who you should “be.” My younger self had specific notions about where I should be in my...
Where there is an injustice, you will be sure to find me. Marching alongside in protest. Fighting for the underdog. Passionately defending rights. No administration is immune, no cause too minor. From Washington D.C. to the streets of Dayton, OH. Shouting from the rooftops and...
I was recently scrolling through my Facebook feed when I came across a post written by a first-time mom. In this post, she lamented how difficult it was to function when her sweet 7-month-old daughter was still not sleeping...

Be the Good

My Dear Sweet Baby, I am so sorry. My heart is heavy, and my mind is just racing. I feel such weighted guilt. Your father and I tried for years, prayed for days on end to have a chance to...
Happy Pride Month! June is the month that the LGBT+ community gets to celebrate the freedom to be themselves. Even while equal rights are being fought for in regards to race in our country right now, this is a...
Imagine your neighbor just put in a beautiful, inground pool complete with a volleyball net, slide, diving board and beautiful landscaping. You admire the pool from afar and think it is very nice, but swimming is just not your...
Kids love dogs. Every time my little ones see a pup going by they immediately want to interact/pet/love on the ball of fluffy cuteness walking by. To be fair, I’m usually right there with them oohing and awing over...
I had lunch with an old friend from college today. It had been nearly 9 months since we'd last seen each other, and we live less than an hour apart. We have 3 kids between us though, and as...
Just a few months ago, I decided it was time I got on the butter dish train. My kids love a good buttered toast. My husband and I enjoy some Kerrygold every now and again. And I was tired...
Did you know that there’s more than one Independence Day in America?? There’s the day our country claimed its independence from Great Britain and then there’s the day that all slaves finally knew they were free in this country...
My husband’s grandma is dying. We drove up and said our goodbyes tonight. She is the most amazing woman, a true legacy. A woman known for her faith and traditions and open arms. We left knowing this will be...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
