"I'm speaking."  In the Vice Presidential debate of 2020, then Senator Kamala Harris had to repeat herself multiple times when being interrupted by saying, "I'm speaking." Those two simple words (or three if you're counting the contraction, for my fellow...
Mommas, I’m going to be really honest and vulnerable with you right now: the world that we live in absolutely terrifies me when I think about it too much. Mass shootings, terrorist attacks, natural disasters, human trafficking, the opioid...
I recently had dinner with a new friend. She just started her very first professional job after finishing her advanced degree and was in the midst of planning her wedding. She reminded me so much of myself at that...


The Enneagram is everywhere right now and while some people have a good grasp on it and what it means there are those of us out there with more questions than answers. According to The Enneagram Center of the...
Editor’s Note: Normally, our Dayton Dozen guides are full of fun, family-friendly, local activities you can haul the kiddos to (or not-no judgment) and spend the day learning about and exploring resources in our community. Not this month, however....

Yes, I Will Rock You

It’s been one of those super long parenting days, the kind that requires multiple cups of coffee. The kind of day where you lock yourself in the bathroom just to get a second alone (We've all been there, right?!)....
One benefit of homeschooling my children is continuing to learn right along with them. It took teaching my children to realize just how much I really didn’t know, or at least didn't remember from school. A few years ago,...

I had fun. Full stop.

This is a blog about a bad habit. It's a bad habit that has crept in so quietly that you might not notice, but even so, it takes a little bit of the joy out of every event. And it...
Tired Mama, Tired Mama What Do You See: Inspired by Eric Carle and Tired Mamas Everywhere Tired Mama, tired Mama what do you see? I see a stack of laundry looking at me. Tired Mama, tired Mama what do you see? I see...
Don't worry this post isn't about you, it isn't completely about me either. It's about the solution I use when we are elbow-deep at a tough doctor's appointment or in the middle of a blind rage meltdown. I always...
We are about 3 weeks into our state's response to the COVID-19 pandemic and what was initially presented as a short(er) term response is now settling in for the long haul. There was a honeymoon period for many of...
Unless you've been avoiding social media or the news lately, then you've probably heard about the latest Hollywood scandal involving college admissions and deep-pocketed celebrities. Normally when "breaking news" like that hits the airwaves I can generally roll my...
Looking for some fun and simple crafts with the kids this holiday season? If you're like most households, you use toilet paper... a LOT of toilet paper. Want a way to reuse those TP tubes before throwing them in...
I was having one of those days, no weeks, where nothing seemed to go right. Life simply felt hard and I was exhausted. My kids were not feeling well and had a whine that made my ears hurt. Work was...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
