I was scrolling through a website way too late one evening and came upon an article about people sharing their “red flags” before they got divorced. Intrigued, I read that article, and then a related article, and another. More...
It's wedding season and this time of year has me reminiscing on my own love story. I've always enjoyed diving headfirst into a good chick flick, drowning in the eyes of some cute guy from the 1800s with a...
When I moved to the U.S. from my home country of England, I left behind my entire family. For the first time in my 24 years, I was living away from my parents and out on my own with...
The other day I asked my husband what he missed eating that he used to eat when he was married the first time. So you know the back story, my husband was married before for 18 years and I was...

Support Network

Four working moms walk into their workplace. They all go to their separate corners of the building and to their separate departments. Their paths don't cross very often. Then their place of work is shut down indefinitely and somehow...
When my partner celebrated their 50th birthday, I said, “I don’t date people in their 50s.” They replied, “We aren’t dating.” Three kids and over a decade together, we are in a monogamous, long-term, unmarried relationship. We aren’t spouses, we aren’t...
  Do you wish your husband knew exactly what you wanted him to do around your messy house? Do you wish your significant other knew how to help you when you are sad or working through a decision? Do you wish your...
If you grew up like I did, you grew up hearing fairytales. Stories about faraway places, princesses needing to be rescued and, of course, for many, they also included the ever-dreaded stepmother. You know what I am talking about,...
Sanitizer, toilet paper, paper towels, masks, disinfectant wipes, and a marriage counselor. These are all of the things I didn't know that I would need in plentiful supply in 2020, yet here we are. When the shutdown of the...
There once was a time where every single encounter was an adventure, date nights out were a weekly if not twice-weekly thing, uninterrupted conversations were the norm, and quality time was at an all-time high. We had the freedom...
My mother shared some invaluable marriage advice with me when I was younger. Though she shared this with me in the context of marriage, this advice certainly applies to any committed relationship. She told me that marriage is a...
Happy Pride Month! June is the month that the LGBT+ community gets to celebrate the freedom to be themselves. Even while equal rights are being fought for in regards to race in our country right now, this is a...
As a wife, mother, stepmom and daughter, I've learned that love comes in various forms and fashions, and it's rarely a feeling that you experience by itself. Because with love comes... Empathy When people you love are rejected, let down or...
In the past, I've been hurt by people. Some were friends but most of them were family. I feel like the hurt and hate that comes with family issues is so difficult because we learn to trust them at...

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In + Around Dayton

5 online dating tips for moms

1) Webchat or FaceTime with the person before you go out on a date. This will save you a lot of time by weeding...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up