Aug. 14 is Military Marriage Day. If you haven't heard of it, you aren't alone. It's the new kid on the block. You know, like those of us in military families often are. The formal celebration with the goal...
“First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage…” Everyone knows the song, but what if it doesn’t happen in real life? When my husband and I got married, I thought that I had more...
When I say “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder,” you probably think I must be a military veteran trying to process service-related trauma. That’s certainly what I thought when I studied PTSD in graduate school, looking at “shell shock” and other related...
I started my career a year after college graduation, and I had such high hopes that I would do so well and be known for my career. I wanted to become an expert and talk and teach others in my...
Finding mom friends as a grown adult was just as hard as finding friends as a child. I was bullied as a kid in grade school. I often ate lunch with either the janitor (bless his heart) or a...
“B will be a great mommy for her baby. Because she makes me feel happy when there are monsters.” I love the way my nephew puts things to words. So much so that I kept a running list of all...
This May right after Mother’s Day marks the second anniversary of my Mother’s passing. It has been a difficult two years filled with immeasurable grief and heartache for my whole family. But as this second year rolls around, I’m...
Dude. I’m young. So, I’m actually almost 30, but most (myself included) would still categorize this in the young mom section of life. Not only am I young in years, but I also look young. In fact, just a few...
It's finally February! I'm not sure if anyone else says that, but I love this month. And I hope it's not terribly cliche to say, but Valentine's Day is my favorite. I live in South Korea and while Valentine's...
Before you open that web browser to start shopping for the man in your life, remember that he doesn't want another bow tie. I know, I know, it's such a cute pattern for a man's bow tie and it...
If you haven’t read Gary Chapman’s The Five Love Languages yet, you’ve got to get yourself to the library and check it out. Pun intended. It provided incredible insight to the ways that I receive and give love to...
Who knew that by letting my guard down I’d be opening the door for what would end up wrecking my world. I knew from the moment we met - in traffic, of all places - that this was a...
Sweetest Day is always the third Saturday in October. It has a sweet story: a candy maker in Cleveland started the tradition in 1922, taking treats to orphans and others who he felt were usually forgotten. According to Hallmark,...
With a click of a button, they were gone. A former friend, who I hadn’t spoken to in years, and I were no longer connected via social media. But really, we weren’t “friends” or “following” each other for a long time.  It’s...

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In + Around Dayton

5 online dating tips for moms

1) Webchat or FaceTime with the person before you go out on a date. This will save you a lot of time by weeding...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

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Date Night Round Up