I'll start by saying this may not be the guide you are thinking it to be - it's not a "how to handle toddlers and their back talking" guide. Because I got nothing for ya there. This is for...
Mom, what is rape? My first encounter with sexual harassment was when I entered the seventh grade. Seventh grade, y’all. My best friend’s dad asked to feel my legs, as his wife sat right there watching. I had no reservations...
When I found out I was pregnant with my daughter in 2014, I knew I wanted to try cloth diapering. It just seemed to make sense — it would save me money in the long-term, it’s more eco-friendly, and...
Since the fourth grade, I’ve worn glasses. I was one of only a few kids in my school at that time who had glasses, and I still remember the teasing I received for having them. I was eager for...
Let me start by stating the obvious - it's really hard to make friends as an adult. When I moved back to Centerville after finishing college, I felt incredibly alone. None of my close friends from high school were living...
It's cute and fun to talk about self-care in the form of bubble baths and glasses of wine, or overflowing cups of coffee and Netflix binges. While those certainly are beneficial and a form of self-care, today, I'm talking...
This is a sponsored post presented in partnership with Dayton Children's Hospital. We are proud to work with them to provide today's parents with expert health advice and information. Our kids are bendy. Sometimes really bendy. Almost like Gumby. (DMC...
When I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl almost twelve years ago, I felt sort of relieved. I figured navigating through all of her milestones, big or small, would be a breeze because I am a woman who...
So, you know that meme you see on Facebook?  Something like, "I have a cough and I Googled my symptoms and turns out I either have a cold or six months to live." It's funny because we've all done...
I’m 10 weeks postpartum, and I’m still having moments when I feel like the walls are caving in. Moments when the sound of my crying newborn triggers instant anxiety. Moments when I snap at my Saint-of-a-husband for no good...
We had been lucky. Three kiddos in, and we had avoided the one thing as a parent I dreaded the most, a toddler sick with the stomach flu. With a whole lot of luck, blessings from above, or perhaps...
There’s nothing like a walk in the woods. Rays of sun sneaking through branches, a cascade of shimmering light. Early morning solitude with fresh fog lifting from the trail. The sounds of silence. Soul-filling natural beauty. The poetic hiking journey...
When I mention I use essential oils to people, I usually get one of two looks. One of excitement because they too "know the ways" of the oily life or the eye-roll of a person that's gotten one too...
On any given day, I have a never-ending list of things to do. Two part-time jobs, school, two children, a husband, a house, and they all need my attention. I am constantly pulled in different directions. Which thing is most...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
