Many of us have painful memories of our visits to the dentist. Whether it was having a tooth filled or pulled, we just remember the loud noises, the grinding, the needles and the pain. As adults, we understand that...

Could It Be ADD?

The first inclination I had of my son having ADD was when he turned 4 and I was filling out the age-appropriate questionnaire from the pediatrician. One of the questions asked whether or not the child could follow three-step...
A few weeks ago I had a routine doctor’s appointment. Before stepping on the scale, I made sure to take off my coat, put my purse down, and then remove my shoes – a routine I’ve got down pat....
I’ve recently started following a new weight loss program as part of my never-ending endeavor to better myself. I’ve got a myriad of reasons for wanting to lose some weight, including things like health benefits (I am hoping some...
Halloween. Thanksgiving. Christmas. Candy and sweets and treats and bundled up for cold weather and fun and parties and gatherings and family reunions and germs. Wait, what? One of those things is not like the other. Germs. Before I was a mother, I thought that I...
I remember going on my first diet in 5th grade. Somewhere along the lines, I heard that bread made you fat, so I planned on not eating it ever again. Then I would be skinny and have a better...


A-what-a-phobia?  I know, I know. You probably just rolled your eyes.  I did, too, when I first heard about this supposed "phobia."  But let me tell you a little about myself.  I am a 28-year-old woman and mother of three children. I am...
It seems like self-care is the new, trendy buzz word everyone is throwing around. I can't read a blog article or scroll through social media without seeing mention of it. As a Mom, you already know time for self-care...
Seriously... I have one in my house, don’t you? I bet someone you know has one if you don’t. Some may be bigger than others, some may be hard to see, but lots of people have “an elephant in...
Hey moms (and dads, too), how many times a day do we reach down for those little outstretched arms, twist to perfectly buckle those car seat straps (chest buckle at armpit height and not a centimeter higher or lower),...
In recent years, there has been this trend of saying "Yes" to things in life. "Yes" to wearing the bikini, "Yes" to last-minute trips, "Yes" to date nights with your husband, the list goes on and on. While this...
I don’t envision myself years down the road being part of a group like the Golden Girls, but I am lucky enough to know I have a small group of friends who stick by me no matter what, and...

Training With My Shadow

Recently, I decided to sign up for a 5K with the goal of beating a previous PR. I got creative with hill work training and ran up and down our quiet street while my 5-year-old daughter played in our...
People always talk about the winter months being difficult in the sense of mental health, but the same can be said for summer but for very different reasons. In the summer, families tend to get together more, are on...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
