Mommy Mental Health


Mental health used to be a taboo topic. No one ever wants to admit that they have experienced anxiety or possibly depression. Many people are afraid of appearing vulnerable to others and needing assistance. There is a whole new mental game that comes with motherhood but we are expected to help ourselves and push forward.

It’s hard not to let yourself slip away while caring for others’ well-being.

mental health

However, a lot of people have probably heard the saying, “Should an emergency occur, you need to put your own oxygen mask on first before attempting to help those around you.” That is also true when it comes to motherhood – if you are not the best version of yourself, then how can you be the best mom to your kids?

Burnout is a real thing and we as moms are always burning the candle at both ends. Mental health and self-care go hand in hand. Self-care isn’t a reward, it is a necessity. Below is a list of a few self-care tips.

Prioritize Your Relationships

Our relationships, whether they are with our spouses, families, or friends, must be nurtured. We need others to share our pivotal life moments with. Additionally, we should show our children how different relationships work and provide them with positive examples.

Reclaim Your Day

Put your hobbies back on the top of your priority list. While your kids are occupied, it’s easy to want to catch up on housework or sleep. Instead, try biking, writing, walking the dog, reading or baking – the list of hobbies is extensive. You could even enjoy a nice relaxing bubble bath; it does not need to be anything extravagant.

Focus on Basic Needs

Prioritizing fundamental needs may appear straightforward, yet many mothers find themselves slipping through the cracks amidst daily responsibilities. Simple actions, such as nourishing oneself adequately and incorporating exercise into one’s routine, can significantly elevate mood through the release of endorphins.

As mothers, we must prioritize nourishing ourselves and reclaiming our mental well-being. By doing so, we not only set a positive example for our children but also enable ourselves to be the best versions of who we can be, allowing them to thrive in turn.

Just know that you are doing your best! If you have any tips that you want to share, please comment below.