The true burden of parenting with depression can be difficult to explain to others. One day you're accomplishing tons of things and feeling great; you can climb yourself out of the proverbial hole and live. Then the very next...
Many of us have painful memories of our visits to the dentist. Whether it was having a tooth filled or pulled, we just remember the loud noises, the grinding, the needles and the pain. As adults, we understand that...
Talking about how we feel is an important ritual in processing our emotions and moving through personal trauma. But what if the trauma you need to process doesn't belong to you? What if it belongs to a family member?...
It’s never easy. Let’s face it; life as a mom, wife and parent leaves many of us emotionally and/or physically exhausted at the end of every day - especially after the holiday season. With family visiting, travel and the...
Alas, I have returned. Some of you may remember my first post with DMB, nearly 7 months ago, titled I Will Own My Mornings, Even While I Constantly Fail. I vowed to not only continue to own my mornings, but...
"Rub some dirt on it. Shake it off. Take a lap. You'll feel better after you puke. You got your bell rung." These phrases probably sound familiar if you've experienced a concussion playing sports. If you are concerned your youth...

Training With My Shadow

Recently, I decided to sign up for a 5K with the goal of beating a previous PR. I got creative with hill work training and ran up and down our quiet street while my 5-year-old daughter played in our...
Almost every day is confusing. There are enormous ups and disastrous downs. Sometimes it feels that there is no end in sight. In the worst moments, the hopelessness overwhelms you. Your children are just being children, and you, you...
As a person in the helping professions and someone who proactively tries to support my mental health, I have been seeing a regular psychotherapist for years. I experienced many benefits from this, especially when I had a cohesive bond...
It’s the dreaded “s” word moms don’t want their child to say. No, it’s not a profanity. It’s the word, “snack”. Kids will ask for it at all hours of the day, but particularly in the evening, right before bed...
It's cute and fun to talk about self-care in the form of bubble baths and glasses of wine, or overflowing cups of coffee and Netflix binges. While those certainly are beneficial and a form of self-care, today, I'm talking...
I smile as the nurse goes through the routine medical tests of taking my temperature, blood pressure and pulse rate. She then asks about what medications I’m on and as I go down the list, she stops when I...
She has his eyes. My lips and nose. But whose ears does she have? Our baby girl was born with misshapen ears. At first, we did not think much of it. She suffered a somewhat traumatic birth, and so...
As much as I want my family to eat nutritiously, so many unhealthy, fast, and convenient foods seem to win the battle. Here's an interesting fact, that makes me feel not alone: In a 2012 study, 52% of Americans (that...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
