Halloween. Thanksgiving. Christmas. Candy and sweets and treats and bundled up for cold weather and fun and parties and gatherings and family reunions and germs. Wait, what? One of those things is not like the other. Germs. Before I was a mother, I thought that I...
From an early age, my kids have known the basics of periods. Okay, so they don't fully understand yet why some bodies menstruate or what exactly happens during menstruation, but I have not hidden my own period from them and...
One piece of advice that I received time and time again as I transitioned to becoming a new mom was that I didn't have to give up the things I loved just because I had a kid. I could...
Six words. “You have early onset Alzheimer’s Disease.” It only took six words to immediately and irrevocably change my family’s life. After almost a year of searching for answers to why my 48-year-old husband was forgetting basic things like what day it...
It was labeled a pandemic by the World Health Organization, but for me, I labeled the coronavirus with quarantine a life-changer. I’m a veterinary assistant working full-day and every day at a veterinary institute. Every day before the lockdown...
When I had my first daughter in 2017, I dealt with many of the typical emotions that accompany first-time parenthood. The first thought I had was, “How on Earth do these medical professionals think I am prepared to leave...
There are so many topics & conversations swirling the media for Back 2 School! Schedules, healthy lunches, savings for supplies & clothes, studies...the list goes on. But there are 3 topics that are less common: Medications, Vaccinations, & Lice....

Can’t I Just… Eat?

Diets make me feel bad. I dread them from the moment I even think about starting them. I miss the brownies I won't be eating and fear the anxiety I will feel if I am even near a piece...


A-what-a-phobia?  I know, I know. You probably just rolled your eyes.  I did, too, when I first heard about this supposed "phobia."  But let me tell you a little about myself.  I am a 28-year-old woman and mother of three children. I am...
"Practice yoga for stress-relief," they said.  "Try stretching and breathing for pain relief," they said.  Taking “their” advice, I Googled YouTube yoga instructors, finding results like Yoga with Adrienne, Yoga with Tim, Yoga by Candace… you get the picture. I found...
Taking the kids to school, getting ready for a Zoom meeting, meal planning for the week, scheduling doctor appointments, and worrying about your parents’ recent health scare or the unexpected car bill that isn’t in the budget. Most of...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
