Hi, my name is Kelsey. I'm a married mother of two and I don't know all of the proper names for my own body parts (I'm looking at you vagina flaps, because that can't be what you're called). Are...
We had been lucky. Three kiddos in, and we had avoided the one thing as a parent I dreaded the most, a toddler sick with the stomach flu. With a whole lot of luck, blessings from above, or perhaps...
Hello October! It's the month of pumpkin everything, fall leaves, black cats, spooky costumes - and the month of pink ribbons. Pink ribbons on everything from eggs to bagels, football cleats to charcoal bags, and everything in between. It's Breast...
I had read online before about febrile seizures, assuming that they happened to "other people's kids," maybe those with a history of seizures. At the very least, I figured kids had them if the illness was known and they...
  What was I thinking? Seriously, what was  I thinking? That pretty much summed up my last 2 days on Whole 30. I am making my 2nd attempt after quitting on day 11 last July. My excuse was I was pregnant and...
When I was diagnosed with type one diabetes, an autoimmune disease that affects the pancreas and relies on daily insulin injections as well as blood glucose checks, I was not sure what my life would be like as an...
People always talk about the winter months being difficult in the sense of mental health, but the same can be said for summer but for very different reasons. In the summer, families tend to get together more, are on...
It started as a twitch in my eye. I was seven months pregnant with my twins and had already had complications with the pregnancy, so while I noticed the twitch, I didn’t think much of it. I went to...
Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other parents in the Greater Dayton, Cincinnati, & Northern Kentucky areas. Everyone is welcome! There will...
We know that finding the perfect pediatrician for your family is important. Not only is this the person (and practice) you are trusting to help you keep your child(ren) healthy and safe, but you need this person (and practice)...
For many parents, before we have children, we just assume that things will go smoothly and according to plan. We will teach them and prepare them and all will be well. Of course, once those children arrive in this...
It happened at 1:30 in the morning. Because doesn’t it always happen in the middle of the night? I’d been asleep for maaaaybe two hours when I heard a cry for me accompanied by a coughing and gagging that...
Twenty minutes. A cheap spin bike from FB Marketplace. Running shoes because cycling shoes are out of the budget. It is 8:30 p.m. and the time is finally mine. Prioritizing myself has never been easy, and it's only gotten worse...
The time is here.  The pastels, the baskets, the dresses, the egg hunts, and yes, the CANDY!  In my case, lots of it.  My father purchases an annual Easter basket for my son. ( I gave up buying one years...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
