My family and I recently had the privilege of traveling to Butler County and trying out some of the best that they have to offer. We were able to try out three different food places and thoroughly enjoyed our...
On a recent trip to Butler County, my family had the pleasure of visiting three incredible places that had activities for the whole family!  Just as a little bit of context, I have three children ranging in age from 1...
I recently read an article about how women, in particular, moms, bear the brunt of the "emotional labor" (I've also heard it referred to as "mental load") in our families. The basic premise is that, even when it appears...
You know those friends you have who totally rave about Costco? And every time you ask them where that came from (whether it's a dark-chocolate-covered pretzel or yoga pants) they say "Costco!"? Well, I'm one of those people. In...
I am a fraud. I have been for a while. It wasn't purposeful, but it still feels like a crime. Most fraud offenses are considered a felony crime and come with punishments that can range from fines to jail time....
Do you have a vegan or vegetarian person joining you at your Thanksgiving feast? If you don’t practice these diets yourself, you may be left wondering what to prepare. Well, don’t worry! Here are recipes and tips for preparing...
While I'm forever grateful to be carrying a perfectly healthy baby and having a healthy pregnancy I can't help but feel bad about my mom/wife skills, or the lack thereof. Despite all the good, there is a darker side....
Mama friends, let’s take a trip down memory lane, shall we? Remember the 9 months you spent growing your baby?  Yes, those 9 months can be tiring, grueling, and downright uncomfortable. But you’re quick to forget these things as...
Are you an organized person? Do you love to organize…or dread it? For me, I love organization and the container aisle is my happy place – let’s not even mention The Container Store! To me, there is a difference...
I've lived in Dayton and vicinity for over 4 decades, and other than 4 college years in the "Queen" City, Dayton has been my home. Now as an adult I am continually amazed at the new and old treasures...
I come from a small town where everyone knows your name, or your parents or your grandparents. Your cousins likely live a street over and you could easily identify all of your classmates in a line up by at...
Raise your hand if you have ever heard the advice about putting on your own oxygen mask before assisting someone else. I’m guessing we all have our hands raised. It’s used all the time, and it goes something like this: “If...
Getting kids to eat healthy can be a challenge on Halloween and throughout the upcoming holiday season because there are so many tempting sweets around. Since you probably won’t be able to totally banish candy from the menu during...
The mamas and little ones in the Dayton area are very close to our heart here at Dayton Mom's Blog. And when someone is hurting we want them to feel safe and be protected. We want them to have the...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
