Like most families with young children, our day-to-day schedules can be very full and very hectic. Sometimes it feels like we are just running from one practice to another, and we don’t get the bonding time we all need...
I'm so tired, friends. So very, very tired. How about you? Are you feeling tired? I'm also happy, excited, sad, in love, proud, afraid, busy, bored, sympathetic, energetic, and exhausted. All of those feelings are felt by me every...
My family took a trip to the East Coast to meet the newest member of our family. A few weeks prior, my son and his wife had their first child, our sweet grandson, Knox. We wanted our 8- and 4-year-old...
Adoption is part of our story. It was nothing I ever thought would be in those pages, but it is written all through them now. Our family adopted two boys, from two different birth mommas in two different states; details you...
My daughter has no friends. Truly. And I feel like I’ve failed her. All the typical ways she would make friends we just don’t have. We have no neighborhood kids close by. But, sadly, we aren’t at a point...
I started thinking about rocks the other day. My daughter was obsessed with collecting every type of rock and stone for a couple years when she was tinier – didn’t matter if it was on the side of the...
I miss the simpler days of my childhood, including aspects of the church I grew up in! The same church that when Googled mentions states it is labeled by some as a cult (the extreme legalism and exclusivity of...
Like most people who have relocated to a new town, my husband and I have spent the last few years getting to know new people. As we grow into our city and our children grow up, our circle of...
Little kids are annoying. You laugh, but honestly, that’s probably one of the best pieces of parenting advice I have ever received. It’s basically just another way of saying choose your battles. Kids do annoying things. All. The. Time.  They...
I'm part pirate. I love the search for treasure. The hunt is what spurs me on and gives me the greatest joy. I'm also a mom. So how do you merge the two? Growing up my mom instilled within me the value of...
When we first moved back to the Dayton area, we found a home on a quiet street in Centerville. We knew the people who lived next door, but a few months after we moved in, their house went up...
My mom was such a great example of practically everything I wanted to be as a mom growing up. She was patient, kind, God-fearing, and full of grace. She raised us to know right from wrong and showed love...
People only see the results of motherhood. They don't see the constant work it takes to get to each moment. They don't see the hours of breastfeeding to satisfy the baby enough to hopefully sleep through the night. They just...
Just before Mother's Day seven years ago, I got a devastating call... My mother had been involved in a motorcycle accident and was in the ICU. I tried to call her wife, but my sister answered. My step-mama was...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
