Disclosure: This post is sponsored, however Dayton Moms Blog does not partner with businesses we do not feel bring value to our readers. Opinions expressed by this writer are 100% her own. Raising a 4 year old child with a...
It’s here. Toddler-hood has arrived at our house in full force.  It came loudly and without much warning. One day my angelic baby could seemingly do no wrong, and the next her sticky little hands were into everything. Resistance...
Discipline is a challenge for most parents. Right?! By profession, I'm a Board Certified Behavior Analyst who primarily works with kids with disabilities. As a professional with experience and training, it can be hard to know the most appropriate way...
When my husband and I decided to have a second baby, one of the reasons we decided to do so was our desire for our son to have a sibling. We really felt like it would be beneficial and enjoyable for him to be...
My daughter turned 5 and nobody could possibly turn her away from wanting to go to kindergarten. Ever since she started in the preschool class at her daycare, she told herself, "I am going to kindergarten next year!" I...
Our family loves Summer and during the Summer I have a rule - I don't like to say no.  Especially if the ask involves climbing a tree, splashing at a 'spray-ground', digging in mud, creating messy art or finding...
Dear Daughters, Tonight we are starting to sleep train and I know you're going to hate it. You are soft, snuggly little sweethearts who would love to cuddle and nurse with me all night if I'd let you (and I...
"She's just not a happy baby, is she?" I still recall the slap of these words as we visited with a family member when our daughter was about 6 months old. She fussed. And cried. And then, for her...
I blinked and it happened. I became a parent to a 6-year-old. Gone were the infant years, the first words, first steps, and all those first milestones. Gone were the toddler years as we watched her little personality come...
Call Your Daughters Leaders… …Unless of Course they are Actually Being Bossy! I am so tired of the articles - spawned I think in part by the book Lean-In - that attempts to banish the word bossy in regards to...
Trivia :: Do you know why we celebrate the 4th of July? This Independence Day, teach your children why we celebrate. It's our countries birthday! The exact date is: July 4, 1776. On that day, our country's founders declared independence from Great...
I return home, after my Saturday morning hour of solo sweat, to my little sweet humans running laps around my ankles and my husband sipping his coffee on the couch. Soon thereafter I hear, "mama, I wanna go to the market!"...
As I have been working from home with my kiddos over the last couple of months, I have seen my sweet little baby boy turning into a daredevil toddler right before my eyes. This is largely thanks to his...
For many of us moms, it seems more feasible to get our shopping done online vs. getting the kids all in masks, trying to worry about making sure they aren't touching everything in the stores, etc. Our local team...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
