George Floyd's call to his mother should be a call to ALL moms right now. We need your voice with us now more than ever to make a better future for our children. Oh, the joy of teenage years. One...
"Are you okay to go in by yourself?" I nervously ask my 4-year-old as we pull up to the dance studio. It’s only her second class; surely she’s still going to want me to walk her inside, right? "Yep, Mommy,...

Forever On My Lap

Mom guilt. The two words I attempt to ignore and claim do not exist in my life. The reality is I am a big fat liar if I actually identify that as my truth. I feel drowned in mom guilt...

The Gift of a Broken iPad

I am here to confess something that I didn't understand was broken in our family and then to tell you the gift we were given. Our family likes technology. Phones and iPads make for easier car rides, calmer dinners out, entertainment...
For many of us moms, it seems more feasible to get our shopping done online vs. getting the kids all in masks, trying to worry about making sure they aren't touching everything in the stores, etc. Our local team...
Let's get real for a second. I am a mother with three children, children who are 5 and under. I know there are many of you that can probably relate. I am literally a Barbee girl living in a toddler’s...
The dressers were busting like a can of biscuits, overflowing with 10 too many t-shirts and I decided to grab some bags to thin out our supply. My son, 9 years young came barreling through his bedroom door with...
In case any new mamas out there need some clarification on the subject, let me start by saying one thing… The terrible twos are REAL, ladies! They’re not a myth. They’re not an urban legend. No, they’re as real...
A video has recently been making the rounds on various forms of social media contrasting pre-teens in the late ‘90s with pre-teens in 2020. The video shows the hip youth of today doing choreographed dances in trendy (and tiny)...
Toddlers are unique creatures. One moment, they can be very lovable and cuddly and make you the happiest you have ever been. But the next, they might throw a toy car at you and yell at you to “GO...

It’s Potty Time!

Potty Training: the right of parenthood passage that no one truly enjoys. A quick search online will yield roughly 18 million different ways to approach this battlefield. Throw in a few highly acclaimed books for good measure, and you've got...
Yep, you read that right. If you're planning on teaching your kids about consent (and you should be), start today. "But my kid is only two!" Yep, start today. Oh, you've just brought your baby home from the hospital?...
Hey Moms. Tired, overworked and frazzled Moms. Moms of babies and toddlers. You are the ones who need to hear this most, I'm sure. I'm from the future and I want to share a secret with you: It's going...
I've heard it a thousand times, "All they do is play, they're not learning anything!"...but that 'play', well, it is a child's work!  Did you know you can arrange the environment that your child plays in to increase their...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
