National I Forgot Day


July 2 is I Forgot Day and I am pretty sure I would take home the first-place ribbon. After becoming a parent, it seemed like my brain was taking on so many more things while also being pulled in every direction.

The list of things I forget in a day is pretty long.

forgot day

I forgot to drink my coffee.
I forgot to fold the laundry.
I forgot to empty the dishwasher.
I forgot to take a shower.
I forgot to drink my coffee (again).
I forgot to vacuum.
I forgot to mow the lawn.
I forgot to take out the trash.
I forgot my coffee in the microwave.
I forgot to check emails.
I forgot to call the bank.
I forgot to set out meat for dinner.
I forgot to dump the cold coffee in my cup.

On any given day, I seem to forget a lot of things, some on accident and maybe some by choice (looking at you, unfolded laundry). My brain is thinking about so many things and being pulled in so many different directions. I feel the tug and pull of everyone around me needing something from me: my attention, my energy or my time. It can feel exhausting and like I don’t get enough things done in a day.

I forget a lot of things most days but I also forget to put a lot of important things on my “to do list” for the day:

Play with my daughter
Be present
Enjoy something fun for me
Enjoy cuddles
Embrace being silly
Soak up the memories

So, even when it seems like we are forgetting a lot of things, we are also remembering to be amazing mothers and parents. We are raising children and doing the absolute best we can. We are superheroes in their eyes and they don’t know (or care) about the dishes, laundry or dust bunnies that get left behind for a day or two. Our kids want us present and want us playing and enjoying time with them. So, today I might have forgotten about the laundry, but I made lasting memories with my daughter and that will get checked off my to-do list every single day.


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