One of the Boys {Reflections of a Blended Family}


We have a blended family.

Just a week ago, I was talking with my husband and he said in conversation, “One of our boys did this one time.”

I stopped and got pretty emotional thinking about our blended family.


I remember the awkwardness when we first started blending our families

I remember the important events that we experienced when we were missing kids.

I remember the tears shed when we longed to be a family.

I remember the drama of spending time together.

I remember the decade of prayers that bathed these relationships.

I remember the future we had hoped for as we merged our families.

When he spoke those words and recalled a memory of when one of OUR boys did something, I finally saw how far we had come.

Blending a family is NOT easy. It is not roses and sunshine, it is not quick, and it is not something that you can force or pretend. It takes time; for our family, it took most of a decade to feel like we were one big family. It took us two steps forward and three steps back, and it is a process that we still have to work through with our adult children.

When you find yourself divorced, dating, and then married, it is a huge step to blend your families. It does not happen overnight; it takes time, patience, sacrifice, and prayer.

One of our boys… it was a sweet melody to my heart and a reminder of where our family was and how far we have come.

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Cheryl Brackemyre
Hey local mommas! I grew up in Centerville, but I now live in Wilmington with my husband Tony. Together we have 6 kids, Joe, and his wife Allison, Austin, and his wife Hannah, Sydney and her husband Hayden, Andrew and his wife Lauren and our littles, Max and Eli. Did I mention we are a little nuts starting over with this parenting thing when we are 45+? We are officially adding new titles to our names in 2022- Tiki and Jeep (our version of Grandma and Grandpa). My husband and I are both ministers, and we get to work together in a local church. We were both married before and brought our families together in 2010. After a few years of marriage we felt God's leading for us to adopt. We added Max to our family in 2014 and Eli joined us in 2017, our quiver is officially full! Blending our family has been an adventure! Add some ex-spouses and two birth mommas and we have ourselves a crazy crew! Coffee is my love language. The beach is my happy place and I long to have my toes in the sand. I love being part of the team at Dayton Mom Collective.