Beating the Winter Blues {with Sensory Bins}


Snow is falling and it’s dark a little after 5 p.m. these days. During these cold and dark months, it can be hard to get outside, which means lots of inside time for your little kids and trying to think of new and fun things to do indoors. Bust out one of these fun and easy sensory bins to keep your little one entertained.


Gift Wrapping

Fill a plastic tub with shredded paper and add small items like empty jewelry boxes, gift bows, wrapping paper scraps and some scoops for endless fun.


Pom Poms

Need something quick? Don’t have the energy to prep much? Fill a plastic bin with pom poms and add some scoops, measuring cups and small bowls from the kitchen, and it’s hours of fun for your child as they scoop and pour or count and sort pom poms.

Hot Chocolate Bin

Pour yourself some real hot chocolate (or coffee if that’s more your thing) and watch your little ones engage with this fun hot chocolate bin for hours. Fill a plastic bin with coffee beans (smells great) or chocolate cereal (especially for littles who might want a taste), add some mini marshmallows, throw in some small cups, scoops and bowls, and enjoy a few quiet moments with your own mug while it’s still warm for once.

Ice and Penguins

This is a great winter sensory bin to pull out in January or February after the excitement of the holidays has ended and kids need something new and fresh. Fill a plastic tub with small penguin figurines, blue and white Pom poms, reusable ice cubes and small scoops. My daughter loves feeling the cold ice cubes as she counts them!

Simple sensory bins can provide much-needed quiet time while your child is learning and engaged and give you a chance to unload the dishwasher or rest your feet for a few moments. They are also great activities to do with your child, connecting as you help them sort, count or pour. Pull one of these out when your kids need a new and engaging activity to beat the indoor blues this winter.