Let It Go, Let It Go {It’s Good Enough}


“It’s funny how some distance makes everything seem small,
And the fears that once controlled me can’t get to me at all.
It’s time to see what I can do,
To test the limits and break through.
No right, no wrong, no rules for me,
I’m free.
Let it go, let it go…”

I am sure most of us cringe at having the lyrics of a Frozen song stuck in our heads because our child has had it on repeat for days. My daughter is obsessed with Olaf, so the “Olaf movie” gets requested often at our house, and, usually, I tune most of it out and enjoy a few moments to myself while she’s distracted by Olaf’s silly antics.

But after the millionth time of it being on repeat, I took a moment to actually listen to the lyrics.


I mean really not only listen but think about the lyrics and what they were saying. Maybe it’s my previous English major life resurfacing as I do a lit analysis on song lyrics, but I realized that Elsa might just be a pretty wise person.

The line, “It’s funny how some distance makes everything seem small and the fears that once controlled me, can’t get to me at all,” made me realize that what if instead of trying to create a resolution this year that is something more I can do, what if my resolution is to take a step back, get some distance and just let it all go?

Let go of comparing myself to other moms.
Let go of not feeling good enough.
Let go of trying so hard.
Let go of the guilt.
Let go of the destructive self-talk.
Let it all go!

It’s so hard to not doubt myself in the hardest job I have ever had, being a mother. Is my kid eating the right things? Is my child engaged enough in activities? Has my child had too much screen time today? Well, enough is enough. Sure, some days my kid lives on goldfish and cheerios and definitely doesn’t get enough fruits and vegetables. Some days the television is on more than it should be. Some days I didn’t plan an engaging activity or craft and she’s left to just play with the toys scattered around the living room. But, that’s okay. It’s good enough. Every day, she’s loved, supported and kept safe.

Fellow moms, it’s okay to let it go. It’s okay to not have perfect days. It’s okay to remember that you are doing your best. While we might not be able to escape to a snow-covered mountain by ourselves, we can still belt it out, in our bathrobe, holding our now cold cup of coffee, “Let it goooo!”