Buys for Baby Showers {My Top Gift Recommendations}


Shopping for a baby shower gift I find fulfilling. A family cousin is welcoming their first child this year and it got me all excited to share some of my favorites.

baby shower

Swim Diapers

Without committing to cloth or disposable diapers, I can attest a SWIM diaper is a game-changer. AppleCheeks swim diapers are my fave with elastic at the leg holes and waist. Reusable for years (yes years), I encourage getting two so when one becomes soiled the other can be changed into. I am gifting one solid color and one print with a wet bag to carry them together.


With characters or colors, a hooded towel is a great shower gift. My favorite thing about gifting one is it can become the wrapping. No waste, no paper bag, a new towel for baby is the best way to wrap the baby shower gifts.

Bath Toys

Adding to the fun of bath time, I enjoy gifting a bath toy. The most important thing with a bath toy is not holding water. Ones my own kids still use are made by Begin Again from recycled materials and dishwasher safe. My kids also really enjoy their bathtime stuffies from SoapSox. I just purchased a Lion for the Narnia theme our family member is having. They really are like having a stuffed friend joining you for a bath. So cute and adds to the fun of scrubbing clean.

Small Toy to Tie On as a Bow

I love to accessorize a present with a cute topper. Baby Paper is such a simple concept of crinkly fabric, packs easily in a diaper bag and is machine washable. A cute accordion fold and it makes a pretty accent to the outside of my gift.


Gifting a book to reread is a gift that keeps giving. I have favorites from my own childhood but I also love the idea of the durable Indestructibles. They are rip and chew-proof softback books that babies can really sink their gums into. I let my kids each pick out a book to gift their new family member.

Water Bottle

Having a lidded, insulated water bottle with me as a new mother was great. Buying a nice one (maybe even with personalization) is a small way to show the mother some love while a lot of gift-giving is used for just the baby.

Buying for a baby shower is the fun of shopping without being in charge of a tiny human for 18 years. I had fun finding some of my favorites to gift our upcoming addition to the family. I hope these bring you ideas the next time you have the fun of buying for baby.