Some students have a difficult time focusing in a classroom environment. It can be frustrating for the student who is always in trouble for not paying attention. It can be frustrating for the teacher who is constantly having to...
Mom! Mommy?! Mooooommmmmmm! Mum? Hey Mom?! You go by many names and answer questions all day long. Do you ever feel like you're taking a test you didn't study for? Or you've somehow ended up in a class that is...
When I first started homeschooling, I knew there were certain requirements that I needed to fulfill in order to make sure that I wasn’t hauled away by a truancy officer from the school district we lived in. But the...
In our house, we read. A lot. If you walk through our front door, you will see books casually laying - well- everywhere. We read for fun; we read for information; and we read for procrastination (that’s admittedly mostly...
            Thinking about your child/children’s future can be a scary thing especially when deciding what school would be the right fit for them. We have been fortunate enough to find a school that has grown our children's faith while also...
I taught high school for nearly nine years, as well as early elementary. As we prepare for back to school season (which seems crazy!), I would encourage you to think about some of the not-so-common back to school essentials...
I'm coming off the Easter high...and I don't mean the candy! I mean, the excitement of the holiday! The joy of the season was so much fun to prepare and celebrate with my young children. But, now, we are...
Have you seen those TikTok video duets? The ones where a mom is meticulously packing a bento box lunch full of hummus and home made pita chips, exotic fruits and the ancient grains of Greece while the other mom...
Homeschooling continues to grow in popularity in the U.S.  and with that rise in popularity comes an increase in resources available to those who choose home education. Lucky for us, the Greater Dayton area has a lot to offer to...
As a triplet mama and former middle school teacher, I have a complicated relationship with homework. When I was teaching, I felt pressure when parents asked, "Why doesn't Junior have homework?" Was I depriving their child of the full school experience by not...
While they sing the happy tune “Up So High,” the students in Linda Frye’s preschool music class at Dayton Christian Preschool lift their hands and their brightly colored egg shakers as the notes of the song hit a high point....
Back To School. It's that time of year again. School supplies are on the shelves, class lists are being printed, and some of us are anxiously awaiting Back to School Night! For some of us, however, this can be...
Families with children who have food allergies, intolerances, and sensitivities are everywhere. Most families either have a child with food allergies or have a family member or know of  friends that are walking this daunting path. When Cooper our...
As a CALP (Certified Academic Language Practitioner) and ALTA member (Academic Language Therapy Association), I celebrate Dyslexia Awareness Month and always seek to demystify some commonly misunderstood things about dyslexia. The following information is from the International Dyslexia Association...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
