We’ve all seen the posts, “I’m deleting people so if you can read this, you’ve made the cut.” What I’m talking about is the less obvious, elusive un-friending. When you don't even notice someone’s gone.  The most egregious way I’ve encountered...
It's Valentine's Day and there's something in the air, and I'm not just talking about love. It's pressure. The pressure to show up and show off all the love we have inside. The pressure to shout from the rooftops how much...
I was asked to speak to a group of 20-something women. My audience is normally kids, but I was recommended by a sweet woman that I know. She actually thought I would be a good fit as a speaker...
February 14. Yes, THAT February 14. All the cards and chocolates and crazy people rushing around for the one-dozen roses - in hopes, they aren't being ripped off (but they probably are because they waited until the last minute)....
I remember our life before you, my love.  I remember the day I married your daddy and you were a mere dream... one that wouldn't come true for several years. But we had each other, and that was enough back...
With a click of a button, they were gone. A former friend, who I hadn’t spoken to in years, and I were no longer connected via social media. But really, we weren’t “friends” or “following” each other for a long time.  It’s...
We moms have to stick together and stay safe. It’s a Wild, Wild West in the online dating sphere and we have to remember safety is the top priority. Before you try to meet up with anyone you meet online,...

You And Me… Plus ADD

It was 10:30am, he was supposed to be there by 9:00am to pick me up and go to the party. I called, I texted, I even sent messages to his friends. Nothing. My initial reaction was to be worried...
I started doing something weird a few weeks ago. Every evening when my husband got home from work, I greeted him with a hug and asked him what the best part of his day was. Sounds pretty typical, right?...
Dude. I’m young. So, I’m actually almost 30, but most (myself included) would still categorize this in the young mom section of life. Not only am I young in years, but I also look young. In fact, just a few...
Bow Chica Bow Wow (or however that goes). August is Romance Awareness Month. I had no idea! While the origin of Romance Awareness Month has yet to  be determined or identified, what is important is that we know it exists....
Though I’ve only held the title of “Mommy” for just shy of three years, it feels like it has been infinitely longer. Most days I can scarcely remember a time before. (Seriously, what did I do with all of...
In the past, I've been hurt by people. Some were friends but most of them were family. I feel like the hurt and hate that comes with family issues is so difficult because we learn to trust them at...
If you are in an abusive relationship, you might have a million reasons to want to stay in the relationship. However, I'm here to say it is infinitely worth it to get out. Maybe you're afraid you'll lose custody...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
