It's 2021 (finally!) and we are almost at the year mark of dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. That's almost an entire year of social distancing, masks, staying home, and skipping vacations. When I think back to last March, it's...
When I became a mother I had these dreams of children who kept their spaces clean and listened to my every word. I would not be the mom who was a hot mess, dragging runny nosed children through the...
Paper is one of the most recycled products by weight in the US; more than glass, plastic, steel and aluminum combined, according to Paper Recycles.  If you have budding artists like me, material appropriate for mark-making is always a hot...
In preparation for baby #4, my husband and I knew it was time for a bigger vehicle. Now l will tell you, prior to having children and really all the way up until having child #3, I despised minivans....
The best piece of wisdom my mother has ever given me is to be gentle with myself. She has reminded me of this throughout grade school, college, my first day at my real job, and when I was a new...
Of all my “mom” duties, anything done in the kitchen is my least favorite. I don't like to cook and definitely hate cleaning up after cooking. Don't get me started on washing dishes and soggy food in the sink......
You know how you have that one chore that you hate more than anything else? You know what I mean. The one task that, whenever you consider beginning it, you instead find yourself “procrasti-cleaning” anything and everything else in...
For many of us moms, it seems more feasible to get our shopping done online vs. getting the kids all in masks, trying to worry about making sure they aren't touching everything in the stores, etc. Our local team...

My Cozy Home

We’ve been married for 8 years come October and lived in five different homes. One apartment, one townhouse, two rental houses and finally buying our own house in the spring of 2023. In each house, I’ve stood in the...
We are a camping family! I say it and I'm not going to lie, some people give us odd looks and think "roughing it" is a stay at only a 3 star Holiday Inn. I get it, I totally...
"But how does she make these huge meals, keep the house so clean, train for a marathon, always look put together, and STILL take care of three kids under the age of 5???" I whined to my mom over...
File this under things I never thought I'd say: I like to think of myself as an amateur at-home chef. Pre-kids I didn’t particularly have much (okay, any) interest in cooking. Embarrassingly, I existed on a lot of Lean...
We're coming out of spring cleaning season and I'm curious, do you have anything in your home that you just cannot stand the sight of but you can never bring yourself to get rid of? I am hoping that...
Calling all bookworms! Today is National Book Lovers Day. As a book lover myself, this is a day I love celebrating. I find that the older our son gets, the harder it is to for me to find time...

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In + Around Dayton

5 online dating tips for moms

1) Webchat or FaceTime with the person before you go out on a date. This will save you a lot of time by weeding...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up