
A Mother’s Woe

  Have you ever had the following experience as a mother? You're busy doing something: working, cooking, doing chores, scrolling through Facebook, closing your eyes before you go to sleep. Suddenly, like the rudest awakening you could imagine, amidst your everyday...
Well, friends, it’s that time of year again. Winter… is… HERE... with a vengeance this last week for sure. I, for one, am less than thrilled about the prospect of being cooped up in the house with a 3-year-old...
Disclaimer:: This post is a compilation of personal knowledge gained through my own research and relationships. You should always consult your doctor before making any significant diet decisions and you should absolutely do your own research and fact-checking before...
Res * o *lu * tion –  noun - a firm decision to do or not to do something. For starters, I’m giving a high five to all of you who make a New Years resolution, or six, and stick...
Full disclosure: I have always been a person who requires a lot of "me" time. I am an introvert by nature and crave quiet time to decompress at the end of a long day. Pre-baby, I had all the...
It's that time of year again! Here, at Dayton Moms Blog we try very hard to create resources and connect you with information and local businesses we feel you would be most interested in. We would greatly appreciate it if...
  It's cold out and your kids haven't been off school long enough to be fighting ALREADY, have they? The best way to keep your sanity is to get them out of the house, keep them busy and count the...
Pregnancy is a roller coaster ride to say the least and is something we all handle differently. Some women love it, some loath it, and others fall somewhere in between. However, one thing that affects us all is how...
I love social media.   I have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and this hip 40 something has Snapchat. Social media is a great way to connect and let's be honest, keep tabs on my teens. The days of having your kids...
It’s here. Toddler-hood has arrived at our house in full force.  It came loudly and without much warning. One day my angelic baby could seemingly do no wrong, and the next her sticky little hands were into everything. Resistance...
Every first date is special in its own way, whether it's because you finally found your soulmate, got a hilariously funny story out of it or learned a valuable dating lesson. Ours (my husband and mine) is special in...
My mom died. It's almost been 12 years, yet in so many ways it seems like it was just yesterday. 12 years ago a call came that I wasn't expecting. My dad had called at 4 a.m. to say the...
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, a nutritionist, or any sort of expert on health or nutrition.  The thoughts in this post are just my own opinions and experiences with following the Whole30 plan.  Whole30. Maybe you've heard of it--it's...
“Mommy, no more phone!” A little over a month ago, I heard my oldest son say these 4 words and they were a huge punch in the gut. I was recording him jumping in puddles. But he didn't...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
