It takes a village to raise a child is a proverb which means it takes an entire community of different people interacting with your children in order for them to experience and grow in a safe and loving environment.
Growing up I remember hearing people say this to new moms, experienced moms, and everyone in between. I never really understood what it meant at the time. What did a village have to do with caring for your children?
Then I had children of my own and realized it really does take a village. This sentiment can mean something different for everyone. It can be teachers, mentors, coaches, family, and other parents. For me, these villages don’t have to be giant, mega communities, but they do consist of other moms who are just trying to do the best they can with what they have. You can not hate on that. We are all trying our very best.
These little humans can try our patience and bring us so much joy in one fell swoop. It is a magical experience being able to relate to other moms in the throws of potty training right alongside me. Or maybe they have already conquered that beast but are happy to give advice. Trading battle stories of bedtime woes and picky eaters. It is very much a part of our human makeup to want to seek out people who just get it. This makes life just a little easier.
Recently, I came into my own little mom village filled with some truly amazing parents and families. They are nonjudgmental and striving to instill the right morals and self-worth in their children. All so these beautiful little beings can go out and be wonderful, successful people one day. Across the board, we are equipped with minimal knowledge and asked to teach and mold these tiny humans into upstanding citizens. No pressure.
How do you get through it all without losing your sanity?
You consult the village. You gather over nonfat lattes with soy and light caramel drizzle and vent. Sometimes you brag about babies finally sleeping through the night. Or you beg for tips and tricks, all with other moms who get it. Women, men, and everyone in between, who just get it. Because parenting is no easy feat.
I won’t say I am the best mom. Sometimes I have my moments where my whole insides are wrapped up in a ball of stress wondering if I am doing this right. Wondering if I am doing enough. This mom village lets me know that I am! That we are all doing great! Villages are filled with so much encouragement and support.
I hope that every parent is able to find one that works for them. They’re not all the same or made up of the same kind of people. But when you find one that clicks just right…it’s perfect. When I am at my wit’s end and desperate for help, advice, or just camaraderie, I know exactly where to go.
Are you a part of a village?